Je commençais à huit heures, ce que je n'ai pas aimé, car il était très tôt, et Je finissais à trois heures, ce qui était un temps raisonnable. Je voyageais en voiture, avec ma mère, parce que je ne peux pas conduire, bien que je souhaite je pourrais.
Pendant les dix jours, j’aidais les enfants ce qui était peu un fatigant, documents photocopies et préparais du thé, ce qui est devenu réitéré.
C'était été pendant mon stage pratique, ainsi nous avons passé le temps dehors, j'ai eu l'amusement dehors jeu des jeux.
Dans l’ensemble le stage était amusante et intéressante, mais parfois ennuyeux. Mon patron était sympa et agreeable, et j'ai aimé travailler avec elle.
A l’avenir, j’ai l’intention de poursuivre mes études et d’aller à l’université, parce que j’espère être professeur, comme j'aime travailler avec des enfants.
Pour moi, un stage pratique est important et utile parce que il aide décide votre avenir, comme il m'a aidé à décider ma future carrière.
My Work Experience
I started my work experience, 4 months ago in July for 10 days. My career teacher at my school organized my work placement for me, but I requested to go to a primary school. I did my work experience in a small primary school, in Great Broughton, a picturesque village, near where I live.
I spoke with my boss before starting about what I would be doing, and she told me I would be helping with lessons and lunchtime duty, but the name for my job was teaching assistant. I worked around the school, doing little jobs, I sometimes got confused, but the teachers were able to help me.
I started at eight o’clock, which I did not like as it was very early, and I finished at three o’clock, which was a reasonable time. I traveled by car, with my mother, because I can't drive, though I wish I could.
During the ten days, I helped the children, which was a little tiring, photocopied documents and made the tea, which got repetitive. It was summer, during my work experience, so we spent a lot of time outside; I had fun outside playing games.
Overall, the experience was fun and interesting, but sometimes boring. My boss was nice and pleasant and I liked working with her.
In the future I intend to continue my studies and go to university, because I hope to become a teacher, as I like working with children.
For me, work experience is important and useful because it helps decide your future, as it has helped me decide my future career.