GCSE Physical Education Coursework

Circuit Training

I am going to design a circuit targeted at the game of Hockey. The circuit will be designed to improve the hockey players performance, strengths and fitness.

Training is an important part of any physical activity because it improves your ability to play the game. The following principles of training apply to most games or sporting activities.

  • Specificity: Training directed at the muscle groups being use during the activity. In this circuit I will work on speed, endurance and agility.
  • Overload: Making the body work at higher work rates and loads this causes the body to react to the increased demands resulting in an improved performance.

Frequency – Number of times training occurs.

Intensity – Work load must be steadily increased.

Duration – How long the training sessions take.

  • Progression: As your fitness improves, the training must start to get harder so that the body can benefit from overload. This is basically improving your skills at a steady pace.
  • Reversibility: If you don’t continuously take part in training and maintain your fitness you lose the benefits you gained. You lose your fitness a great deal faster that you can gain it. This is because: -Aerobic capacity is quickly reduced
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-Muscular endurance deteriorates when muscles are not used

-Skill levels stay high, while performances can lower.

  • Repetitions: These are the number of times a training activity is repeated. High repetitions=improving muscular endurance. Low repetitions=improvements of static strength.
  • Sets: The number of times a training activity is taken during a training session.

I carried out three fitness tests before I started my circuit and then repeated them at the end of the nine weeks, so that I could tell if I had improved by the time I had completed the training.

  • THE BEEP TEST: This was ...

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