Discuss the Issues Facing Spain 1868-1923

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Discuss the Issues Facing Spain 1868-1923

There were many issues facing Spain between the years 1868-1923.  Spanish politics were rarely stable in this period.  This was mainly a result of economic and social problems; there were regional issues and lots of groups emerging who were keen for change.

        In 1868 there was a ‘glorious revolution.’  A pronunciamento took place and Isabella was removed and a provisional government was established.  Several reforms were introduced like universal male suffrage and the protection of civil rights and liberties, and more importantly freedom of religion.  From this point on Spanish society and in particular Spanish politics were changes forever.  There was still political unrest which was never settled. Largely because the government could not satisfy both the left, and the right.  The first republic was set up in 1873, but by 1874, just a year later a group of Spanish generals had decided that the monarchy should be restored.  It was not unusual for the army to interfere in this way.  In fact the army could be considered a separate issue which faced Spain in this period.  It had too much control; it could make or break governments, making them very difficult to deal with.  The Army became more of a hindrance later on in the period we are looking at as it became too expensive to continue to run, as it did not have as much use anymore.  Also it was unbalanced with far too many officers.

        After the army restored the monarchy in the form of Alfonso XII a period of ‘Turno Pacifico’ took place, this was mainly between the years of 1875-1898.  This was a sham democracy.  It was in fact ruled by the elites, and the voting was manipulated.  Not that it mattered as there was little difference between the two parties.  These governments were seen as weak, and made some fundamental mistakes which hindered Spain.  One example of this is the introduction of protectionism, this retarded the Spanish economy.  Turno Pacifico illustrated how the oligarchy of Spain still ruled; unlike in other countries where ancient regimes like this had been removed, or had little power.

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        Turno Pacifico meant that there was little political expression.  This led to the emergence of other political parties, some quite radical, which I will discuss further on.        

        In 1898 disaster struck.  Spain lost her most important colonies, including Cuba, in the Spanish American war.  Not only did this have a knock on affect on the Spanish economy, it was also seen as an embarrassment.  Barcelona was the scene of sporadic strikes and acts of terrorism from anarchists and other groups.  This unsurprisingly rocked the system and seriously affected Spanish morale and people had lost what faith they had in the ...

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