Make a case for less state interference in our lives?

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Charlie Mcsweeney                                                Miss Kinney                

Make a case for less state interference in our lives?

The gaol of the state is to create a justice system which has harsh enough penalties to put citizens of a crime or wrong doing, this would be to create a good sense of deterrence within the society.  A state that has little interference in our lives is as not as rare as you think in may places the government will “give in” or ignore the fact of certain gangs due to not wanting to start trouble with them.


State is the not the enemy in our lives, many Americans believe that weapons should be used to protect themselves.  This is where state should interfere in our lives and stop weapons reaching every household, if we had little or no state interference in our life’s then things like this would be happening That is having weapons in many households, which is certain to lead to many more deaths, robbery’s, and youth delinquency’s.  

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I believe that the state stops many troubles through interfering, example if the state did not think to interfere with the weapons of mass destruction in Afghanistan.  

Also if there was little or no state interference in our lives then, it would create delinquency amoung younger people.  For example:   Due to them seeing criminal activity or unsuitable behaviour for them on TV then they would not know what is fit for them to see and follow this footage as an example.  But this is what defines a good parent, when to let there children see the certificated footage, ...

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