Peace and Justice

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In unity, peace and justice are both equally necessary; once justice has been served, peace will be restored.  Peace being a state of harmony is referred to an end in violent conflict, whereas justice involves the order of people within a society, and is the accomplishment of serenity.  While both thrive on one another for existence, together peace and justice fulfill society’s infrastructural way of living.  Also, significant leaders in history have demonstrated peace keeping acts that became powerful movements, and are still in practice to this day.

        Within a community, people strive for peace to establish security, harmony, and tranquility. All of these are essential for justice to prevail, which constitutes to a functioning society.  Peace being the prime foundation for justice stabilizes a community to be neutral and calm, as justice would have no purpose to serve.  Mahatma Gandhi is a prime example of a major figure to India, who represents peace through his actions, while delivering justice. Through his methods of Satyagraha—the resistance of tyranny through mass civil disobedience, outlines the focus of peace; actions speak louder than words. Gandhi and his followers responded to the British punishments with non-violent acts, which eventually led to the independence of India. Another example of where justice requires peace is in the United Nations; an international organization whose goals are to help support in international law, security, and human rights. In the existence of the United Nations, its purpose is to deliver peace in order to serve justice amongst countries.  In order for this to carry out, the United Nations must consist of an organization of countries, whose duties are to promote peace, security and cooperation by resorting to an agreement. A main example would be the United States in Iraq. Being one of the countries in the United Nations, its objective is to bring peace and restore harmony as it was, with little violence as possible.

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        To prevent chaos from reoccurring and to maintain peace, a society requires a set of rules and regulations, to maintain the order and law in a justice system. When looking at torn countries that are currently at war, struggling to achieve peace through their actions, their means lead to righteousness.  Iraq being one of the torn countries is constantly fighting for justice to regain a sense of peace. Their system of government may be viewed upon to blame, which reflects on Iraq’s leader and the downfall of their justice system.  Without guidelines or a set of rules, there is ...

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