To What Extent Does America Have A 2 Party System?

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A two party system is one in which usually two main parties fight for the office of the President. However, this does not prevent other political parties from existence. America is said to have a 2 party system to a great extent. This is because America has two main political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, who seriously compete for political influence and every four years seek to capture the presidency. This has usually always been the case. In America several other third and minor parties continue to run. However, it is only the Republicans and the Democrats that have a chance of achieving the presidency and a majority in Congress. The smaller parties in America find it hard to gain power nationally, although they are sometimes well established in various states.

There are several factors that lead to America having a 2 party system. Firstly, there is only one position of presidency available and the president is not the leader of the majority party. Hence, it is not possible for coalitions of more than one party to share the position, as can happen in a cabinet system, e.g. UK. To avoid coalitions a simple plurality electoral system, first past the post, is used. This system discriminates against smaller parties as it is un-proportional and does not give equal value to all votes. Also, mostly bigger parties with wide spread support tend to do well compared to minor parties. Smaller parties would have more chance of gaining support and representation in the legislature if a proportional system was to be used.
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Secondly, the campaigning involved is costly and needs a long time to be planned. Candidates seek to make progress and win support via the primaries which requires a great deal of organisational and financial backing. Therefore, smaller parties cannot afford it as they do not have access to large scale funding and have only limited resources.

Thirdly, there is a wide appeal for both the major parties. Once the presidential candidate is chosen, the leading parties seek to show that they appeal to the interests of the nation, the concerns of the electorate and the diverse ...

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