Christianity also teaches that evil entered the world as a result of Adam and Eve giving in to temptation in the Garden of Eden.
“Satan, in the form of a snake convinces Eve that God has lied to her and her partner Adam concerning the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It convinces her to eat the fruit of the tree so that they will become as gods. Adam later follows suit. By this act, sin entered the world for the first time. With it, death also enters the world. (The Church has taught that before this event, animals lived forever, and without bloodshed.) God curses the snake, Adam, Eve and even the earth itself. The sin of Adam and Eve becomes imputed to all of the descendents of the original couple i.e. the entire human race to the present day.”
This causes the world to switch from a perfect world to a world containing evil – this switch is called ‘The Fall’. As a result every human was born with a flawed nature.
From the bible Christians also learn that when Jesus came to earth humans were given a chance to begin a new life and escape everlasting punishment after death:
He died on the cross for people’s sins and because he was innocent those sins wee forgiven.
Christians call this atonement, and so Jesus showed people how god wanted them to live. But Jesus rose from the dead, in order for Christians to have a new life after death from that time onwards.
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
Matthew 26:26-28
Christian might try to find answers to moral problems by reading and doing what the 10 commandments say:
Do not kill
This helps people make the right choices at different situations, so most Christians would become closer to god by obeying these commandments.
Jesus also taught the two great commandments:
Love the lord your God
With all your heart, all your soul
And with all your strength
And love your neighbours as yourself
This means that Christians should love god more than ever, and not be selfish by just loving themselves, but love their neighbours too.
Christianity teaches that Jesus taught people the golden rule which is an answer to moral problems:
Treat others as you would want to be treated
This helps Christians know how to treat other people and not be means to others.
The church teaching is also a way in which Christians find answers to moral problems:
The priest or (Roman Catholic) pope
I do not think that people are punished by suffering because everyone has suffered even babies and I do not think that god would want to punish a baby (simply because they do not know they have to obey god). I also think that god punishes humans because He wants to test their faith in Him. Someone with a different point of view (Christian) thinks that suffering is caused by evil (Satan). So because human disobey god’s rules people suffer – not because it is a punishment, but because they did something wrong, so the consequences would be wrong. But overall I think that suffering is not a punishment for wrong doing, but more of a test of faith because god wants to know whether humans obey god with all their strength, or gives up over the smallest problems. Also because animals and babies suffer even though they do not understand that they are supposed to obey God, but they are still suffering from disease etc. therefore I disagree.