Describe the variety of specifically relgious programmes on the four man television channels?
Anushi Patel 11E Religious Studies Coursework 20-02-08
Ai) Describe the variety of specifically religious programmes on the four main television channels? (8)
For many years the four main television channels have been broadcasting a variety of religious programmes. Up until now religious broadcasting was targeted towards Christians, who attended Church, and acknowledged all traditional Christian doctrines. It is only quite recently that the nature of broadcasting has changed, due to the fact our country has encouraged more of a multicultural atmosphere, and therefore the current target audience for religious broadcasting has changed. Currently there are four main religious broadcasting categories into which programmes fall; they are, worship programmes, entertainment programmes, magazines programmes, and religious documentaries. Each of these categories appeal to various types of people, most will be aired on a daily basis.
To regulate the content of religious broadcasting Ofcom uses an extensive definition “A religious programme is a programme which deals with matters of religion as the central subject, or as a significant part, of the programme.” If religious broadcasting is given a wide definition like this, it enables broadcasters to have more freedom and explore innovative ways of incorporating topics not just related to belief systems and religion but to spirituality, ethics and values into their programs. BBC, ITV and Channel 4 were able to perceive rating success they achieved from religious programmes when new ways of approaching religion were found. “Audiences are more receptive to new and innovative ways of approaching religion and other belief system” is quoted by Ofcom as part of the broadcasting code.