Designer Babies

Genetic engineering is when gene structures are changed using scientific skills. This can also be used to cure some illnesses that are genetic, for example  cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and sickle-cell anaemia, which affect a large number of people. Genetic engineering may be able to prevent or cure these conditions .

Although many people may think that this is a good idea, some religious people may  disagree as it could be considered as ‘playing God’.

Genetic engineering can alter human characteristics, such as making babies healthier and stronger than they would be if they were conceived naturally. This can be seen as unfair to other children who have not been genetically modified and could give them an unfair advantage. Even though the embryos have been genetically modified, they still belong to the parents, they have just taken the best qualities from them both. But is this placing too much power in the hands of the scientists?

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Catholics believe that it is wrong to create a perfect world “ who are we to straighten what god has made crooked” God has created genetic makeup so they think that we have no right to change that. Catholics think that life begins at conception and by creating the perfect baby, it destroys embryos and this is seen as being no different from abortion. In the catholic religion, the main purpose of marriage is to have children but if science were used instead of sex and natural causes then this would be going against that reason.

Although some ...

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