Domestic Violence facts and statistics - What is Abuse?

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Domestic Violence facts and statistics:

By Luke Kyriakides

What is Abuse?

Abuse, which is also called domestic violence, is any behaviour that causes physical, sexual or emotional damage, or causes you to live in fear. Non-physical forms of abuse can be just as damaging as physical violence.

Emotional abuse is when your partner

  • Constantly puts you down or criticises you
  • Threatens to stop you from seeing your children, or
  • Threatens to commit suicide if you leave the relationship.

Social abuse may include

  • Preventing you from seeing your friends and family
  • Making you feel guilty about going to work or socialising
  • Constantly checking up on your whereabouts.

Financial abuse is when your partner takes control of your financial affairs when you don't want him to, or prevents you from having access to money.

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Sexual abuse is making you do sexual things that you don't want to do. Forcing you to have sex is a criminal offence, even if you are married. 

Stalking is when a partner or ex-partner follows you around, or repeatedly tries to contact you, even if you've said you don't want this.

Physical abuse includes pushing, hitting, throwing objects, or threatening to physically harm you, other people, or pets.

How might this be affecting me?

All forms of abuse have damaging consequences. Your confidence can become worn down by abuse.

If you have been in an abusive relationship you may feel: ...

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