GSCE Religious Studies


Paper 2-Christian Perspectives on personal, social and

World issues

B-Explain how Christians put their beliefs about

Euthanasia into action

Euthanasia is a Greek word that translates into English to mean a ‘good, easy death.’

The main points addressed by the are that euthanasia activists have dropped references to terminal illness, replacing them with such phrases as "hopelessly ill," "desperately ill," "incurably ill," "hopeless condition," and "meaningless life." Another point is that we as humans don’t have the right to take another human beings life and god didn’t create humans to kill each other.

Not all Christians are against Euthanasia so when I write this essay I will write from a Catholic point of view. Some Christians will straight away say Euthanasia is wrong no matter the circumstances but others will ask what the situation is and then consider if it the right or wrong thing to do. Most Christians will actually put some of their responses and some of them are:

  • Educational training for students and youth groups
  • The Hospice Movement
  • Joining a protest march
  • Voluntary work
  • Lobbying Parliament

I will now explore three on these responses and give an explanation of each and my thoughts on each.

1) Hospice Movement-

St. Christopher's  - Dame Cicely Saunders founded the first modern hospice in London in 1967. It was founded on the principles of caring for the sick, researching into pain control, and teaching nurses and doctors how to cope with terminal disease. It also was one of the first hospitals to include the ideas of spiritual treatment as well as medical. She said "You matter because you are you. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die."  Because of all her work was made a Dame.

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The modern hospice movement began in the 1960s and many have a Christian foundation. Although many of the doctors and nurses who work at the hospices may be Christian the patients can be of any faith or of none. The staff not only looked after the patients, they help them prepare for their deaths and also help the relatives prepare for the loss of their loved ones. The atmosphere at a hospice was a loving and caring one, where the patients and the relatives were encouraged to talk about death and dying. Hospices are concerned not only with the physical ...

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