Explain why some Christians go on pilgrimage and the effect that this might have on them.

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Explain why some Christians go on pilgrimage and the effect that this might have on them.

Many Christians from very different traditions undertake pilgrimage for a variety of reasons.  In the Middle Ages a pilgrimage was a common way of making amends for sins or expressing repentance.  Nowadays it may also be undertaken as a means of refreshing one’s faith, in a search for physical healing, or simply for enjoyment.  Pilgrimages are an important part of Christian devotion, and the blessings gained on these journeys can certainly have a positive impact on the pilgrim.

Christians believe that Jesus Christ is truly human and truly divine.  They say that he is the Son of Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit.  The teaching that Jesus was born of a virgin mother is important to the claim that he is the Son of God, which accounts for the importance of making a pilgrimage to Jesus’ birth place, The Holy Land.  From their earliest understanding of their faith this is where it all began.  Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Jerusalem – are all familiar in their imagination – finally becoming a reality.  From the time of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, His public life, the barbaric death on Golgotha, to His Resurrection, it is all here.

In parables like ‘the sheep and the goats’ (Matthew 25:31-46) Jesus spoke about people being judged at the end of their lives or at the end of the world.  The parables make it clear that all people will have to account for the way in which they have managed their own lives and that this judgement will decide whether a person is worthy of eternal life or whether they have chosen to live apart from God.  Before he began His public teaching, Jesus spent forty days alone in the desert, fasting and praying.  This example of retiring from the world and giving up food has been followed by thousands of men and women in different Christian traditions, who believe that if they live in God’s way according to the life and example of Jesus Christ himself, their judgement will be a joyful occasion and they will stand a better chance of entering the Kingdom of Heaven.

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Christians believe that they also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit by going on pilgrimages which makes them strong and powerful in faith.  However, according to the scripture; ‘if faith is alone and includes no actions, then it is dead.’  James 2:17.  For this Christians believe that they will in some way be with God for ever if they have lived according to the way shown to them by the scripture and fulfilled the ‘actions’ part of being a Christian, by journeying to a sacred place.

Although Christians can pray to God in any place and at ...

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