Healing miracles do not happen today. Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in you answer.

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Healing miracles do not happen today. Do you agree?

Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in you answer.

        I would define a miracle as an event that breaks the laws of nature and can only be explained by the power of God. Today many people believe that they have received healing from God. Yet others question why so some people have been healed yet others that are also prayed for every day are left untouched. Some people, for example scientists are sceptical and try to find a logical explanation for those who claim to be miraculously healed. For example some of these acclaimed miracles might not actually break the laws of nature, because we may be able to find a scientific explanation for them in the future when we have a wider understanding of the world around us. This year a ‘frozen baby’ was found – yet she survived. Maybe ten or twenty years ago many people would put it down to a miraculous event mastered by God. However the reason for her survival has been given a scientific explanation (see appendix – last paragraph), this is evidence for the argument saying that miracles don’t happen today. Yet in the same article they contradict themselves and call this event miraculous. This shows that some people (in this case the reporter) have kept an open mind to either of the options being true.

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        Simply the fact that there are five million visits to Lourdes each year shows that healing miracles must happen today, otherwise why would so many (70,000 sick people come each year) people come to be healed? Many people have been healed at Lourdes, could you call all of these people liars and fakes? Yet the Church is reluctant to declare miracles and have only declared sixty-five miracles. This shows how reluctantly they use the term miracle. Mary Bigot fell ill at the age of fourteen and after a number of operations she became deaf, blind and paralysed on her right ...

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