How can you know, if at all, that our behaviour is ethical?

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                                                              Theory of Knowledge Essay

First draft- Ines Mota

How can you know, if at all, that our behaviour is ethical?

Ethics is very subjective and relative. It is considered relative because there are different behaviours that may want to exemplify the same value and also, the same behaviour may want to exemplify different values in different cultures. This can be demonstrated as Oriental culture do not kiss other people in the cheek to say hello. They take that as an offence, while European individuals always kiss when saying hello. Ethics can be described as what the society accepts or rejects. Ethics can be subjective because it differs from each ones point of view. Something that may be not ethical to me, such as a secretary having an affair with the boss, may be totally accepted by someone else. It can also be very relative, as ethics are society codes, that change based on time and circumstance. Nowadays it is not ethical to marry with a member from our own family while centuries ago, parents gave their total support for their children to marry with brothers or sisters.

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There are some people that have a different view of ethics. They believe that the same codes are applied to everyone, regardless of status, time or situation. To survive in a society, we have to know how to live in it and for it to happen, we have to know  morality and ethical behaviour. Society is considered like a game, either you obey the rules and learn how to behave in any given situation and be successful, or if you try to play by your own rules, you are out.

 All human being have a different perspective of the world, ...

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