In Britain today we live in a Plural Society in which many people of different religions, backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, opinions, colours of skin and walks of life live.

In our country by law, we must respect other people’s religious, ethnical, cultural and other beliefs and opinions, and due to this we must accept all aspects of this.

In particular, religion affects people’s beliefs and opinions as well as the way they act, their lives and the way they live it.

In Britain, we have many people with different religions and ethnic minorities due to immigration and asylum seeking. We as citizens of this plural society are not by any means obliged to believe or be a part of a religion, which has its own theories, beliefs and opinions, but we are obliged by society to respect the people who do have religious beliefs and obligations, and to respect someone does not require an effort and is a simple task, but for many they can’t seem to grasp the concept.

To be prejudice or discriminate against a person because of the way they live their lives and their beliefs concerning religion is religious persecution. This can sometimes be verbal and physical harassment which leads to upset of the person being discriminated against, as they have done no wrong and feel irritated because they are treated differently for practising a basic human right to be entitled to their own beliefs. It is not only morally wrong and not acceptable in a plural society such as ours in Britain to discriminate against someone because of his or her religious beliefs, but is a criminal offence, which can lead to criminal prosecution.

We are all entitled to our beliefs, opinions and religion and this needs to be recognised by all in our society, and is also enforced by our government.

Some religions in our country are:








……to name but a few.

Many of these religions specify in some way, whether it be through teachings, the religious book, rules or regulations or general acceptableness, how the followers of the religion should think about themselves, others, their god(s) and the world, how they behave, how they live their lives and many more aspects of their life.

The outcome of a plural society with a mix of people is different beliefs. All people have alternating beliefs and in our country no belief is right or wrong. All beliefs are respected and should not be questioned for criticism.

In my investigation I am going to give an idea of some issues which different religions and the followers have opinions about, and to show sometimes how different they are.

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In my investigation I am going to be covering the following topics which religions have specific beliefs about:


Salvation and the afterlife



These are just a few of the many thousands of issues which affect religion.

I am going to be highlighting the opinions of the following religions concerning the above issues:





The general topic of the investigation is BELIEFS, which plays an important part in a plural society, especially in Britain today. It gives an idea of how religions have different beliefs about certain issues and how we ...

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