Protestants believe in immortality of the soul, and when dead your souls live on in a spiritual realm. They also believe that we get judged in the same way as Evangelical Protestant. They believe this because from Luke 23:43, John 14:2 and communion of saints.
Roman Catholics believe resurrection and immortality. There have quite a similar view to the other two about getting judged. Christians that have not sinned go straight to heaven, but ones that have sinned go to purgatory for their souls to be cleansed. Others will go to hell. They also believe that Jesus will come back and the dead will be reunited (soul and body). Then God will make a new heaven, earth and hell. These beliefs are from the resurrection of Jesus, the New Testament and teachings from the church.
So all Christians have very similar views. They all believe in being judged, although in slightly different ways. Roman catholic beliefs are quite similar of Protestants and evangelical Protestants.
3. “When you are dead, you are dead”
I am not sure on my beliefs on this.
This is because there are so many different beliefs on this, just as there is on a question such as “is there a God”. My main belief is that we just don’t know, because we don’t know enough about the world, and there is not enough evidence to say there is life after death or not.
There is nothing scientists have found to say that there is life after death, but then again there is nothing to say there isn’t either. All believe there is and their evidence is teachings from the bible, but is this strong enough evidence. There are also people that say they have experiences of life after death, but these can have a few scientific explanations because they would be at a poor state when happening, and there are many explanations.
Before, you can really make your mind up; you need to decide if we have a soul. I kind of think we do have a soul. I think a lot of our personality, and actions are produce by nurture, but we must have something to make individual and us. For example me, my brother and my sister have all been bought up nearly exactly the same, with the same parents, but we are all completely different. It is not nurture, so it must be nature, or it could be a soul. The problem with this is that it goes back to the question of “Nature or Nurture”.
My main belief is still that we don’t know enough about the world to answer this question. I think you have to have strong beliefs to answer this question with whole truth because it links on to many other ultimate questions.
I think many people would like to believe that our soul lives in, but if they asked themselves all the other questions, they would not be so sure.