Religion, wealth + Poverty


In this essay I will be looking at issues around religion wealth and poverty and basis needs of the third world. I will examine religious responses on poverty + analyse the work of religious charities.

Poverty mean poor, Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not being able to go to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom.

Poverty is a call to action -- for the poor and the wealthy alike -- a call to change the world so that many more may have enough to eat, adequate shelter, access to education and health, protection from violence, and a voice in what happens in their communities.

Absolute poverty- no access to basic needs.


Relative poverty- can’t afford the same things as most other people in society.

Basic needs:

Food- Food helps us to grow and develop. This is the most important in poverty because if people don’t have enough food they will be die. At least one in eight of the world’s population does not have enough to eat.

Clean water- those people living in developed countries they can’t have clean water. Clean, safe drinking water is essential for life.

Houses- housing provides us with protection and security. For poor people is very important houses because if they haven’t place for living they have to go to the street. In poverty people don’t have enough money for buying houses.

Clothes- this is the most important part because if they don’t have clothes they can’t go out from house.

Education- we take education for granted but in the poorest countries of the world only four adults in ten can read and write and less than one in four children go to secondary school.

Work- work can give us identity, security and the means to meet many of our other basic needs.  

In the world today, there are developed countries like Britain and Japan, developing countries like Brazil and Malaysia and less economically developed countries (LEDCs) like Bangladesh and Mali where people regularly starve to death.

If there is to be a fair world, then the economically developed countries need greater help from the developed countries. It is also in the interests of developed countries to help the LEDCs because they need new markets for their goods and they need products like cotton, tea and coffee from the LEDCs. The world is now inter-dependent.  

Interdependence means countries relying on each other for our survival. The north countries need south countries because of resources and technology. The poorer countries in the south need help from the north this is called interdependence. The Brant commission is the idea of global interdependence was highlighted by an organisation. The report written by them in 1980 called north south: a programme for survival,

The developed and development countries have to work together to resolve their problems and solve common threats such as famine.

Christian teaching on poverty it has always been important for Christian. Many people of goodwill give money to charities, raise funds and campaign to help the less fortunate people of the world. But Christians do it for very specific religious reasons and we will explore these first. Christian’s care about the poor is because they have inherited the teaching about social justice in the Old Testament. All of the Christian churches today follow the teachings of the new testament that state it is a Christian’s duty to help people in need whether in world because everyone is a neighbour. Jesus said in the parable of the Good Samaritan that Christians must love their neighbours whatever their race or country.  Christians feel that it is part of their religious duty to help the poor. Christian believes that there is another reason why we cannot really say ‘it is nothing to do with us’. It is a fundamental Christian belief that all people are made no members. The teaching of the church itself, which has been very influential in bringing some of these changes about.

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Teaches that Christians have a duty to inform themselves about the problem of poverty and to pray, think and act to protect the poor in everything they do. Living out the meaning of the mass in the world means sharing there as well. Christian believes that wealth is dangerous and may lead people away from God.                                                                                         ...

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