Religious Influence on Family Life In Britain

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        By: Kainat Emran 9HESC/9G1

Family life in Britain today.

Family life in Britain has changed immensely in the past 50 years. Marriage has lost its value and divorces have increased. The UK consists of various different types of family’s ranging from the typical happy-go-lucky Nuclear family which consists of two parents and child/children to a Reconstituted family, which involves two people marrying that have already had children previously in life, and are moving on from their ex’s. There is also a single parent family, which as you can guess is made up of a single parent and their child/children, and an extended family which typically contains, parents, children and other relations such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and even cousins.

Religion often impacts the way an individual decides to live their lives. Just by getting married in Islam, it is said that half of your faith (Iman) is completed. This shows how much value marriage holds in Islam, as being a Muslim consists of following various different teachings, and none of those teachings mean you have completed half of your faith except for getting married. It can also be seen as manipulating Muslims through their religion in order to receive reward from God in the afterlife, but the reason behind why marriage is seen as completing half of your faith, is due to the fact that it allows Muslims to have responsibilities in life, and not a care-free and silly life. Some responsibilities marriage comes with are to feed and clothe the wife or to assist the husband etc. A Muslim believer should live in harmony with the Islamic law and it has been reported that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had once said ‘Do not delay in three things; 1) the offering of the obligatory prayer. 2) The offering of the funeral prayer when the deceased’s body is present. 3) The marriage of a woman when her couple is found.’ Many may interpret this quote as being harsh as it takes times to properly get to know someone, and see if they are the one you actually want to spend the rest of your life with, but the reason for why it is said not to delay marriage, is because this will stop one from committing such acts by which would be considered immoral. What I mean by this is that, the longer you would leave the marriage, the more desire you would have for that person, which would increase the chances of sex happening outside of the marriage, as you have left the marriage too long, and if the marriage ceremony was done by then then such a sin would not be committed. Some may say that this impacts why the divorce rates in Britain are increasing. What could be meant by this is that, as the rate of Muslims living in this country has increased, so has the rates of divorce, and this is because of Muslims rushing into marriage witch would inflict that later on in the marriage there would be a bigger possibility of divorce. Marriage is also said to be important is to stop one from homosexual behaviours, as being a homosexual is seen as a sin in Islam. What I mean by this is that, the risk of homosexual behaviour increases when a man fails to marry a woman, so when one marries these results in meaning homosexuality is invariably mitigated. The reason for why family life is important to Muslims is as it gives stability and as I have said responsibilities as when thinking of committing sinful doings you think about the guilt of family, and how your family will be effected, so therefore it is seen as very important in Islam.

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In Christianity marriage is just as important as it is in Islam. What I mean by this is that, most of the principles of marriage in Islam are very similar to the principles of marriage in Christianity for example In the Bible (Proverbs 5:15-19) it says ‘The man who finds a wife finds a treasure and receives favour from the LORD.”  This quote persuades Christians to get married, and compares having a wife to a ‘treasure’ showing how valued and how important part a wife plays in Christian family life. It also persuades Christians to get married by saying ...

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