THE  message

Messages from the soul that began by naming things, and which in time grew into still longer, more intricate stories, are still with us today. We call these messages the same thing we did in ancient times: poetry, which is itself derived from the ancient Greek root, poiein: "to make". Not to write lines, meter, rhymes, stanzas, but simply to make something where there was nothing before. This is what makes them timeless. My experience with poetry has been not been limited, but to understand the essence of poetry took a long time. I understood poetry when I was in 11th grade in Pakistan, and ever since it has attracted me, especially spiritual poetry. My first encounter with it was a poem by a very famous poet, Dr Mohammad Allama Iqbal. His poem THE INTELLECT AND THE HEART had an immediate impact on me.

                Poetry is a very basic and essential form of human art, which is why we all can relate to it. When reading or writing poetry we instinctively know that something profound has occurred. When our own poems come to us, we treat them as sacred events. No one has to tell us to do that, we automatically do it, because every fiber of our being knows we have received something similar to grace, that the soul itself has spoken to us, and for us. Similarly through this poem “The Intellect And The Heart” I have learned what i would have taken years. During reading this poem it dawned upon me that knowledge does not lead to the comprehension of the Essence of God. The heart guides one to the final goal. _        

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        Before reading this poem i had to read about the poet’s life and the influence under which he wrote it. In this particular poem he has tried to explain the concept of understanding God. What struck me while reading this poem was that through his use of Intellect and Heart (Intuition) he has tried to explain the controversy of the relative efficacy of these two means of knowing the truth about the existence and the essence of God and His relationship with the universe, both material and spiritual. I was surprised my self to reach this idea while reading it as ...

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