I understand that your family and friends are offering you conflicting advise, but you must sit them down and tell them that you are grateful for their help and advice. I suggest that you tell them that this is your pregnancy and that every woman has a different experience of pregnancy.
The concerns about how you are going to afford all the things a new baby needs are normal to a new mother. I would suggest that you have a look in your local newspaper and second hand shops for things such as toys and clothes. If you are concerned about how much it costs to buy nappies, you could use washable nappies. But don’t forget if you are looking to put your child in to childcare most nurseries do not allow washable nappies. Family and friends will also want to buy things for your new baby, make a list of things that you need and ask them to buy the things on that list.
The changes in your body over the next nine months are that of great change. During your first trimester you may have the feeling of morning sickness. Morning sickness affects about 75 – 80 % of pregnant women. Some experts believe that morning sickness is a sign of a healthily placenta. To ease morning sickness you can try ginger tea, peppermint, sucking ice cubes, and plenty of fresh air. Keep in mind that you can become dehydrated with morning sickness so make sure you drink plenty of fluids. Your volume of blood will increases, which may result in your veins becoming more noticeable, especially on the tummy, breasts, and on your legs. You could experience skin problems due to the increase in oils. Your breasts may start to become fuller and tender. The nipples will be larger, darker and more noticeable. Another thing that will be heightening during your pregnancy is your senses; you may notice strange tastes and smells.
The second trimester is when the baby really starts to grow. You will also feel the baby move more as it becomes bigger and stronger. Your uterus expands and you will become fuller and more rounded in the tummy area. You should now notice that you feel less nausea, less frequent urination and less exhaustion as your levels of hormones start to stabilize. At around 20 weeks you should look into taken an antenatal class to help you prepare for the birth. Your body will be feeling the effects of the added weight. Your ankles and feet may start to swell; this is due to your uterus putting pressure on your pelvic veins. Make sure to drink plenty water and elevate your feet.
During the third trimester, your baby has done most of its development and now it is just time to grow. As your bump expands it increases the pressure on your back and pelvis. This could cause periodic shooting pains in your lower back and legs. Just rest, change your position, and take a warm bath or apply ice to the area. You may also feel your uterus tighten and then relaxing from time to time, but do not worry you are more than likely experiencing Braxton Hicks. These are normal they are your bodies way of practicing for the real thing and helps tone up your uterus for the labor. As your due date gets near your baby starts getting ready for the birth. You will notice that vaginal discharge and mucous may have increased. On a happier note your uterus is no longer pressing on your diaphragm, which makes it easier to breathe.
I have just outlined a few things to expect during your pregnancy. If you should need more details or guidance about your pregnancy you can contact your midwife, health visitor, and your GP.
Once again I would like to congratulate you on your new addition to your family.
Amanda Daley
Pregnancy consultant