Georgina Diamond The synagogue and the home Describe how a Jew might worship G-d in the homeThere are many ways in which a Jew can worship G-d in the home. One is by saying the Shema at night and Modeh Ani in the morning. By saying these prayers you are performing Mitzvot. The Shema is said at night for three reasons. The first is that if you were to die then the last thing that you would have done is a Mitzvot. Another reason is for protection and the third is for forgiveness. The reason why we say Modeh Ani in the morning is that it is thanking G-d for not letting us die during the night. It is also a mitzvah and so our day starts with a mitzvah and ends with one. There are other ways in which we worship G-d in the home. One of these is by saying Brachot both before various foods and after as well. We are worshipping
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