What is meant by the term miracle?
Miracles What is meant by the term miracle? 'Miracle- wonder, marvel, phenomenon, prodigy' (CollinsGem Thesaurus New Edition) 'Wonderful, good, something that happens believes to have supernatural or divine cause.' (Oxford School Dictionary) 'Out of the ordinary appears to be impossible.' (Nick Lowry) 'Something people want but don't always happen.' (Alex Kirk) 'Something strange which is not supposed to happen.' (Patrick Brown) 'An act of God.' (Matthew Lowrie) 'Faith in action.' (Alex Kirk) 'Supernatural event.' (Sam Lovell) 'A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature; and as a firm and unalterable experience has established these laws, the proof against a miracle, from the very nature of the fact, is as entire as any argument from experience can possibly be imagined.' (David Hume) To me, a miracle is an act of God. The act could happen to anyone and is unusually helpful, superficial and supernatural. Most of the time the receiver realizes that a miracle has occurred and is very thankful. I believe miracle to be a divine occurrence. For some people a very short or long time may required. There are many kinds of miracles, depending on one's needs, desire or expectation. E.g. . Being cured from cancer, regaining sight or good health; 2. Winning the lottery. A miracle may mean differently to people. It is not a matter of disagreement but of
Why did the Whitechapel murders attract so much attention in 1888?
2. Why did the Whitechapel murders attract so much attention in 1888? The whitechapel murders attracted so much attention in 1888 due to a serial killer that walked the streets of whitechapel. This serial Killer committed some atrocious and unthinkable crimes. The first unfortunate victim of this mad man was; Number: 1 Name: Mary Anne Nichols Known as: 'Polly' Date of birth: Date of death: 31st August 1888 Age: 42 Laid to rest: Ilford cemetery, 6th sep 1988 Features: 5`2" tall, brown eyes, dark complexion, brown hair turning grey, 5 front teeth missing, small scar on forehead, described as having delicate features with high cheekbones. How killed (wounds): Savagely attacked across the throat , exposing vertebrae, repeatedly stabbed at the stomach, however this murder got little publicity, unlike today. Information: The estranged wife of a printer, 'Polly' had born five children, but their marriage up in 1880, some pointing th finger towards William, who was said to be having an affair with 'Pollys' best friend and at the time nurse during 'Polly' last pregnancy. It was then that she became a prostitute and started drinking heavily. She was a poor, needy women that most liked yet pitied. Number: 2 Name: Annie Chapman Known as: 'Dark Annie' Date of birth: September 1841 Date of death: 8th September
Why Do Christians Oppose Abortion.
Why Do Christians Oppose Abortion Abortion, the termination of an unborn child from a pregnant mother, is a topic that which has raged on for hundreds of years. Two sides to the idea exist. Pro-choice groups are for abortion, or the choice of the mother. Pro-life groups are against abortion or for the life of the baby. Yet why is it that pro-life groups are mainly made up of practising Christians? Many Christians oppose abortion because they few unborn babies as humans and therefore view abortion as murder. Strong pro-life activists may believe that life starts as early as conception and views contraceptives such as the pill as abortion. Less strong pro-life people may view the start of life later. Despite this variation in perception, all pro-life activists will view the start of life as pre birth, and that abortion after their perception of the start of life as murder of the child. Some pro-life supporters would not always view abortion as wrong and certain groups promote abortion providing it is only used when it threatens the life of the mother. There are hundreds of beliefs about when and when not abortion should be used among liberal pro-life supporters but the basic idea is that abortion should only happen if it would seriously affect the mother to have a child. Other Christians are for abortion because they believe in the right of the mother. They believe that god
Why is there need for world development
Why is there a need for world development... There is the need for world development to ensure peace, stability, and progress of humanity. Lack of development across the world is the source of discontent. It creates rifts among nation, within nations, and within communities. It changes the attitude of individuals towards each other, for the worse. This results in envy, greed, and hatred. It uproots communities of people from their lands and forces them to migrate to greener pastures creating challenges of migration and social tensions. Afghanistan is one of the world's poorest and least developed countires. Two-thirds of the population lives on fewer than 2 US dollars a day! That's less than what anyone in the UK earns per hour! Even more, after 2005, the official unemployment rate is at 40%. More than one-third of the G.D.P (GrossDomesticProduct) in Afghanistan comes from its thriving poppy and illegal drugs trade. Opium, one of the drugs sold in Arghanistan hit a new high in 2007 for the amount produced. According to the United Nations, some 3.4 million Afghans are involved in producing drugs. This many people involved in the production of drugs, in a country with a total population of 31 million people, means that roughly, 11 percent of the population helps drug production. This war stricken country has had all of it's economy disappear in just four years, making it
Why do many Christians Oppose abortion?
Why do many Christians Oppose abortion?-Prerana Bhounsle 10J Many people would say that abortion is the termination of the life of a fetus. However many people argue that abortion is more than that. These people say that abortion is, in fact the killing of a life; of a human; of a baby. Different countries have different laws for abortion. Before 1968 all abortions were illegal in Britain. But hundreds and thousands of woman who couldn't take the burden of a child, under-went 'backstreet abortion'; In other words, illegal abortions. These abortions were performed by unqualified people and the woman often risked serious side effects or a huge possibility of death. But these women went to any length to kill the child growing inside them. Fortunately, since 1968, the abortion act allowed women to have an abortion. However there are a few conditions: * That the abortion is done by qualified people and is carried out on registered premises * The baby is not viable * The woman must have the permission of two doctors to agree that abortion should be allowed in this case The doctors have to decide whether or not the health or the mental health of the mother is at risk, whether the continuation of the pregnancy will affect the pregnant mother's family. Lastly, if there is a chance that the child will be born handicapped. But perhaps the most discussed question in this issue