A Brief Account of the Perception of the Atom

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A Brief Account of the Perception of the Atom

People perception of the atom has changed dramatically through time. One of the main reasons for this was that a man named Democritus (460-370 BC) who was an ancient Greek philosopher came up with a main theory on atoms and what they were, and because he came up with this theory so early in time no one could come up with experiments that could possibly test or put forth his theory.

Democritus said a very basic theory of that everything is composed of atoms which are physically indivisible and indestructible. He also came up with brief theories on what atoms look like, he believed the shape of an atom depended on the state of the atom e.g. he thought an iron atom would be solid and strong with hooks which would lock it onto another atom. The word atom its self comes from the ancient Greek word atomos meaning indivisible. Democritus believed that all matter could be dived and sub-dived into smaller and smaller units until eventually there would be something that could be divided no more, an atom. This was remarkable as there was no possible way ancient Greeks could support this by observation or experiment.

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The understanding of atoms did not process much beyond Democritus’ theory until the English chemist John Dalton (1766-1844) who looked into the theory of the atom and worked out some atomic weights and invented some atom and molecule symbols.

John Dalton made many important conclusions to the atom for example he did some tests and concluded that atoms are indestructible and can’t be broken into pieces. He also concluded that all atoms of the same element are identical to each other and that atoms are combined, separated or rearranged in chemical reactions. He also said compounds are formed of ...

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