An investigation into how the concentration of hydrogen peroxide affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase.

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An investigation into how the concentration of hydrogen peroxide affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase.


The aim of this experiment is to examine how the concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) affects the rate of reaction on the enzyme catalase.

Background Information

From previous scientific knowledge I know that catalase is an enzyme found in living cells.It is found in food such as potato and liver. Enzymes are protein molecules and the purpose of enzymes is to speed up reactions, but not be changed or used up during the reaction.

Catalase is used for removing hydrogen peroxide from cells. Hydrogen Peroxide is a poisonous product of metabolism, and must be broken down into water and oxygen. Catalase speeds up this decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen Peroxide                        Oxygen  + Water

2H2O2 (aq)                                O2 (g)    + 2H2O (l)

It is an Catabolic reaction which means that the hydrogen peroxide molecule is broken down into smaller pieces. The reason this occurs is because the shape of the active site of the catalase matches the shape of the hydrogen peroxide molecule


Variables that would affect the rate of reaction, of the enzyme catalase

There are other factors that could be investigated and would have to be kept constant whilst doing the experiment. The main ones are:

  1. Temperature

Raising the temperature would increase the rate of reaction. I thought due to my knowledge of “Kinetic theory molecules” that raising the temperature would give the particles more energy therefore they would move faster therefore there would be more particles colliding with each other per second. As the temperature continues to rise, the bonds holding the enzyme molecules in shape are broken. The enzyme is denatured.

The way I will control this variable is by keeping all the experiments at one temperature, room temperature. The temperature in the room’s air is changing therefore I have decided to let the reaction take place in a container filled with water. The reason behind this is that water needs more energy to heat up.

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  1. pH

Each enzyme has an optimum pH at which its active site best fits the substrate. I will have to take this into account.

  1. Concentration

By increasing the concentration I would expect the rate of reaction to increase as there would be more particles therefore they would collide more per second and increase the rate of reaction.

This is my chosen variable that I will change

The experiment was set up as shown above. Hydrogen peroxide and water concentrations were varied and the gas was collected. I ...

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