Find the mole ratio of water to anhydrous salt in the hydrated compound.

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Zak Barger


Chem. Lab

Hydrated Compound Lab 1/  /03


The purpose of this lab was to find the mole ratio of water to anhydrous salt in the hydrated compound, which was given to us. By using a Bunsen burner and other materials, my group witnessed the evaporation and change that took place with the hydrated compound.


Evaporating dish, Bunsen burner apparatus, crucible tongs, hydrated compound

Pre-lab Calculations

  • Molar mass of anhydrous sulfanilic acid = 172 g/mol
  • Mass of water = 18 g
  • Mass percent of water in the hydrated sulfanilic acid = .3139 > 31%
  • Ratio of moles of water to moles of anhydrous sulfanilic acid = 30/170 g/mol
  • Empirical formula of hydrated sulfanilic acid = N6 H12 C36 H29 S6 O18
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  • Mass of the hydrated compound = 30.0 g
  • Mass of anhydrous compound =
  • Mass of water driven off = 27.2g
  • Molar mass of the anhydrous compound =
  • Moles of the anhydrous compound =
  • Moles of water =
  •  Ratio of water to moles of anhydrous compound = 2.8/18 g/mol
  • The empirical formula for the hydrated compound = N6 H12 C36 H29 S6 O18


        My group and I noticed that without being touched at all the Epsom salt began to bubble and act strange. Not only that but the bubbling started to stop ...

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