This can alter the rate of reaction of the enzyme trypsin because if the pH is too low or too high for the enzyme, than it will become denatured. This is where the structure of the enzyme would have been changed so that substrates will no longer be able to fit inside the enzyme and therefore will not be digested. The enzyme, trypsin, works best between pH 7 and 8 because it is found in the duodenum, which is slightly alkaline.
The concentration of substrate can affect the rate of reaction because if the concentration is lower than the collisions of the enzyme molecules and the substrates will be less frequent causing a lower rate of reaction. The opposite can be said of a higher concentration of substrates.
The concentration of enzymes also affects the rate of reaction in a similar way. If there is a higher concentration of enzymes than there will be more frequent collisions and therefore a faster rate of reaction. The opposite can be said of a lower concentration of enzymes.
Inhibitors are kind of like a toxin that can be added to an enzyme and will block off the enzyme so that no substrate can enter the enzyme. This means that the substrate cannot react with the enzyme and so will slow down, if not stop the rate of reaction.
Aim: to see how long it takes for the black film to go clear using a range of different temperatures.
Prediction: I predict that the higher the temperature, the faster it takes for the photographic film to go from black to clear.
Reasons: I think this because of the collision theory, which is explained in the background knowledge and although some of the enzymes might have been denatured, not all would have been. As more particles would have more energy caused by the high temperature, this would result in a faster rate of reaction, as more particles would crash into other particles, which would thereby cause a reaction to take place. The opposite is true if the temperature is lowered.
Apparatus List: The apparatus list is as follows: a beaker to hold the water in; photographic film to be experimented on; a splint to hold the photographic film; a kettle to boil the water; trypsin to react with the photographic film; a thermometer to measure the temperature of the solvent; a test tube to do the experiment in; and a stop watch to see how long it took for the photographic film to clear.
Fair Testing: to make it a fair test, I will state what variables will be controlled and how. The size of the photographic film will be controlled as I will cut it to size 1cm Χ 1cm by using a ruler. The temperature of the trypsin will be made sure as it will always have a thermometer in it and it will be constantly monitored throughout the experiment. The amount of the trypsin used in each experiment will be the same as will the amount of water in the beaker. The size of each beaker and each test tube will be the same for each experiment conducted. The dependant variable in this experiment is “how long it takes for the photographic film to go clear.” The independent variable in this experiment is temperature.
Method: Set up equipment as shown in the above diagram.
- Pour 200mls of hot water in the beaker and set aside for use later on in the experiment.
Cut photographic film into size 1cm Χ 1cm.
- Split the splint and place the photographic film in between the split.
- Measure out 5mls of trypsin and pour into a test tube. Put a thermometer into the test tube.
- When the solution has reached the desired temperature, put the splint with the photographic film on it, in the test tube.
- Start timing immediately with a stop-clock.
- When the photographic film is no longer black and has gone clear, stop timing.
- Record the results in a table.
- Repeat the experiment with different sets of temperatures.
Results and Graphs:
Conclusion: I have found out that the results do support my prediction which was that the higher the temperature, the faster the rate of reaction. This is because the higher the temperature the greater the probability of an enzyme molecule colliding with a substrate molecule. Graph One shows the results of each experiment and the average results as well. It shows a definite pattern between temperature and time taken. The graph shows the lower the temperature the longer it takes for the photographic film to go clear. For example, in Experiment Three at 50°C it took 84 seconds for the photographic film to go clear whereas at 10°C it took 4651 seconds for the film to clear. Graph Two also supports my prediction. It shows the average Rate of Reaction between the enzyme trypsin and the gelatine in the photographic film. The results of Graph Two shows that the higher the temperature the faster the rate of reaction was. At 10°C the average Rate of Reaction was 0.00022 whereas at 50°C the average Rate of Reaction was 0.012. This is because as more particles would have more energy caused by the high temperature, this would result in a faster rate of reaction, as more particles would crash into other particles, which would thereby cause a reaction to take place more quicker.
Evaluation: I think that the method used was very concise and clear. I may have been able to make the method a bit more clear but overall, I am happy with it. The results seem fairly accurate although there were a couple of anomalous results. They both seem to have occurred at the 40°C temperature on Experiments 1 and 2. This seems strange, as my Background Knowledge has showed that this is the optimum temperature at which enzymes work. These anomalous results may have occurred for a number of reasons. The temperature may have lowered or risen slightly and this would have affected the results. As we have to move splint (holding the photographic film) up and down in the trypsin solution, this may have also affected the results, as the speed was inconsistent and not monitored. This inaccuracy at 40°C is also seen in Graph 2, which shows the average Rate of Reaction of the enzyme trypsin at a range of different temperatures. However, I do believe that the results are sufficient enough to support a firm conclusion. This is because the results and the graphs clearly show that the higher the temperature the faster the rate of reaction between the enzyme trypsin and gelatine layer in the photographic film. This conclusion had been reached throughout each separate experiment. There are many improvements I could make to this experiment that would give me more accurate results. Instead of using of using a thermometer, I could have used a Loggit or an electronic water-bath, which would have ensured that the temperature remained constant and would have given me an accurate reading. Also, I could have used a wider range of temperatures, which would have given me a greater idea of what temperature it would have taken for the enzymes to be completely denatured. I should have also taken more sets of results as this would have made identifying any anomalous results easier and it would have also made my experiment more precise.
Sources of Information: Internet sources
GCSE Biology books
A level Biology books