How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the rate of reaction with calcium chloride?

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How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the rate of reaction with calcium chloride?

Joe Forster

Task: How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the rate of reaction with calcium chloride?


I predict that the higher the concentration the faster the reaction will take place this is because in a higher concentration there will more hydrochloric acid molecules per set volume. This means that there will be a higher chance of the calcium carbonate molecules colliding with the hydrochloric acid and reacting. This should in theory increase the rate of reaction as the concentration is increased.

The reaction rate, however, should decrease as the experiment progresses because as the reaction time increases the number of hydrochloric acid molecules present will decrease as they have been reacted. This should decrease the rate of reaction because of decrease in concentration. This should make a graph of the reaction curved as the reaction rate slows down.

The increase in the concentration should be directly proportional to the increase of the reaction rate at a given time. This is because by doubling the number of hydrochloric acid molecules present the chance of a collision should be doubled, as there is now twice the possibility of a collision-taking place. This can be thought of as like people in an open space, if there is twice the number of people there will be twice the chance of people colliding.
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The variables that may have an affect on this experiment are:

Size of marble chip- the size of the marble chip will affect my experiment because this dictates the surface area. The larger the surface area the more acid that will be in contact with the hydrochloric acid and able to react.

Concentration of hydrochloric acid- this is the proportion of hydrochloric acid in the solution. Volume of acid- this will be the amount of hydrochloric acid that will be reacted with the marble chips. Catalysts- by weakening bonds, this increase the rate of ...

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