I aim to plan and conduct an investigation to observe how different concentrations of dilute hydrochloric acid affect the rate of reaction in the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium acid.

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Rate of reaction


I aim to plan and conduct an investigation to observe how different concentrations of dilute hydrochloric acid affect the rate of reaction in the reaction between hydrochloric acid and magnesium acid.  The rate of reaction is the speed at which a chemical reaction takes place.


I predict that as I increase the concentration of the dilute hydrochloric acid, the rate at which the reaction gives off the required amount of hydrogen gas will decrease.  If I were to double the concentration of dilute hydrochloric acid from 1 molar to 2 molar, the time that it takes for the said amount of hydrogen gas to be produced will be halved,  there fore the rate of reaction will double.

Linking the prediction to theory:

My prediction is based upon the collision theory.  This is the theory that because particles in liquids and gases move quickly, in a reaction, if there is a high concentration of acid, there are more acid molecules to successfully move around and collide with magnesium molecules.  When this happens, atoms in the acid break their bonds and form new bonds with the magnesium particle that they collided with.

In order for a successful collision to take place between the magnesium molecules and the acid molecules, there must be two acid molecules colliding with a magnesium molecule at the same time.  The lower the concentration of the acid, the less acid molecules there are, therefore it is less likely that there will be a successful collision.  A successful collision also needs sufficient energy present to happen, if there is not, then the molecules will simply bounce off and carry on moving until they carry out a successful collision.  A reaction stops when all the molecules in the reactant (in this case the hydrochloric acid) has successfully collided with molecules in the base (in this case the magnesium)

The diagram below shows the before and after states of the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid.  The high concentration diagram has twice as many hydrochloric acid particles as that of the low concentration diagram.  This is why there are twice as many magnesium chloride molecules produced in the high concentration diagram.  

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       Before Reaction        After Reaction


Every experiment has a number of variables.  In order to ensure that it is a reliable experiment, all variables must be kept constant, apart from the variable being used to investigate the rate of reaction.  I am using concentration of acid to investigate the rate of reaction.  Other variables that must be kept constant are mass of magnesium, surface ...

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