I am going to investigate how a variable affects the rate of reaction in an enzyme.

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Candidate Name: Will Price        Candidate Number: 2485         Centre Number: 24315

I am going to investigate how a variable affects the rate of reaction in an enzyme.

What is an enzyme?

An Enzyme is a catalyst that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction in an organism. Enzymes are made up of proteins and chains of amino acids.

Enzymes can either break down large molecules into smaller molecules or join together smaller molecules to form a longer molecule. Enzymes (catalase in particular) in the human body have an optimum working temperature of 37°C (This is the core temperature of a human body). The enzyme starts to denature over 40°C the enzymes active site starts to denature. The 3°C difference gives the body some leeway when the core temperature goes up due to an illness.

The optimum pH of enzymes in the body is around pH 7. Any lower or higher the enzyme starts to denature. And the active site loses its shape. The substrate can no longer ‘fit in’ and hence the the reaction slows down and eventually stops when all the enzymes active sites are denatured.

Variables that affect rate of reaction:

  1. Enzyme concentration – to change the enzyme concentration one needs to mix a pH buffer (pH 7) and keep a constant temperature at different concentrations: i.e. 2cm³ pH buffer/2cm³  Enzyme = 50%. This is an accurate variable to measure due to its simplicity
  2. Substrate concentration – Substrate concentration is only effective to a certain point, that point being when the enzyme has reached its max rate of reaction meaning no more gas will be produced at higher concentrations which could result to inaccuracies in our experiment.
  3. pH – this is difficult because reliable pH buffers are hard to produce in a school lab so this may affect how accurate and reliable the investigation is.
  4. Temperature – measuring rate of reaction at different temperatures is difficult due to time constraints – It would be time consuming to use 1 water bath and subject it to different temperatures. Having several water baths would take up too much room. If I were to just use a Bunsen burner regulating temperature would be hard.

Temperature affects rate because substrate molecules have more kinetic energy and thus are more likely to have a successful collision with an active site.

Previous Experiments:

In year 10 our class studied the effects of changing the enzyme concentration with yeast and hydrogen peroxide. This experiment went very well apart from the yeast not being very reliable using different batches. This led us to contemplate using a different enzyme, such as catalase.

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Catalase is an enzyme found in all living organisms. It speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide from metabolic processes (a harmful by product).

Here is the formula:

2 H2O2 → 2 H2O + O2

We now had our experiment; we wanted to study the effect of changing the concentration of the enzyme catalase to see how it affected the amount of oxygen produced.


We had to decide on what data we were going to collect in our experiment.

  • Range of data:

5 different percentages of enzyme concentration – we chose this because it’s sufficient data ...

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