In this investigation we are going to measure the rate of reaction of marble and HCl when the concentration or surface area of marble is changed.

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Chemistry Coursework-Investigation on the rate of reaction between HCl (Hydrochloric acid) and Marble (Calcium Carbonate – CaCO3)

Aim: In this investigation we are going to measure the rate of reaction of marble and HCl when the concentration or surface area of marble is changed.

Introduction: A rate of reaction is the speed at which reactants become an end product.  For a reaction to happen, the particles that are reacting have to collide. If they collide, with enough energy and pressure, then they will react. There are several factors that affect the rate of reaction.

 Firstly temperature will affect the rate of reaction; if the temperature is cold the particles will move more slowly, with less energy resulting in a slower reaction. However in a hot temperature the particles move more quickly, they collide more with more energy, creating a faster rate of reaction.

Secondly concentration will affect it, the lower the concentration the more spread out the particles, so they will collide less and create a slower rate of reaction.

Thirdly using a catalyst can be used to speed up a reaction, without it being changed. The factor that we will be investigating is the size and surface area, large particles have a small surface area so there are less particles exposed for collision, which means a slower reaction. However small particles have larger surface area and have faster rates of reaction. Controlling the rate of reaction is important because you have to get it exactly right, or you won’t have the desired end product.        

Preliminary Investigation

In our preliminary investigation we  measured the rate of reaction between small marble and 1M of HCl, medium marble and 1M HCl, small marble and 2M HCl. We measured the reaction for 300 seconds and wrote down on the table how far it was at every 20 seconds. This experiment was done to give us an idea on our prediction for our main experiment as well as giving us the chance to have a trial at the experiment, to make sure we were using the equipment correctly, to reduce human error. We tested using different concentrations of HCl and different surface areas of marble so we could have a set of results to help us compare with our main results, to help us determine the accuracy of the results.


  • Small and medium marble chips
  • 1M and 2M HCl
  • Water trough
  • Conical flask- where the reaction takes place
  • Delivery tube and bung
  • Two measuring cylinders- one to measure out HCl and the other to collect CO2
  • Stop clock- to time when we needed to write down the volume of CO2
  • Safety goggles- to protect your eyes


First we set up all of our equipment: gas syringe, conical flask, delivery tube and bung, two measuring cylinders, and stop clock. Second we measured out 20cm³ of hydrochloric acid in one of the measuring cylinders and then added it to the conical flask. We connected the end of the delivery tube to the end of the conical flask, making sure it was secure and no gas would escape. Then we weighed out the marble chips to 0.5 grams on the weighing scales, next we put the marble chips (calcium chloride) into the acid in the conical flask, this has to be done very fast and the bung be put on straight away as to make it a fair test little gas (CO2) should escape. Finally, using the stop clock we measured on the cylinder how much CO2 was being released every 20 seconds. We took the measurements for a total of 300 seconds.

We repeated this method three times for; small marble and 1M HCl, medium marble and 1M HCl and small marble 2M HCl.


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In this set of preliminary results we measured the rate of reaction between small marble and 1M of HCl, medium marble and 1M HCl, small marble and 2M HCl. We measured the reaction for 300 seconds and wrote down on the table how far it was at every 20 seconds. From this set of results we learned that the more surface area the marble has the quicker the reaction, and the higher the concentration of the acid the faster the reaction. In this set of results we used the method with the water trough; however we didn't find ...

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This piece of work is of a high standard. However it is limited to three stars by the unreliable data. Improvements are suggested throughout.