Investigating how the concentration of acid can affect the rate of reaction.

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Investigating how the concentration of acid can affect the rate of reaction


Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid ---> Magnesium chloride + Hydrogen

Mg(s) + 2Hcl (aq) --> Mgcl2 (aq) + H2 (g)

I intend to measure the rate of reaction by collecting the hydrogen gas produced and measuring the rate it is produced at.

I am aware that hydrogen is produced when acid “particles” collide with magnesium atoms to produce hydrogen molecules.

The variables which can affect the rate of hydrogen production are:

  • The state of the magnesium, for example whether its ribbon or a powder.
  • The volume of the acid.
  • The concentration of the acid.
  • Temperature.
  • The container that reaction is carried out in.

The variable I will measure is rate calculated by measuring the volume of gas collected in a certain time.

How do Variables affect collisions?

  • I think that if the magnesium is in powder form then the surface area is greater so there are likely to be more collisions between acid particles and magnesium atoms giving a higher rate of hydrogen gas production.
  • If the volume of acid is increased then there may be more acid particles available to collide with the magnesium giving a higher hydrogen gas rate.
  • If the concentration of acid is increased then this should as above give a higher rate.
  • If the temperature is increased then the acid particles could absorb heat energy faster and hit the magnesium atoms more frequently and harder giving a higher rate.
  • The shape and size of the container could change the depth of the acid in contact with the magnesium an affect collisions – increasing or decreasing chances.
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To make this a fair test I will control all the variables except for the concentration of the acid by diluting the acid provided with water. This should mean that only the number of acid particles available will change the outcome for example: The rate of hydrogen produced.


I predict that the more concentrated the acid the faster the rate of hydrogen gas produced. This will happen as I have researched it on a website.

(See diagram on next page)

Hydrogen Ions (from acid)



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