Investigation to find out the lengths of times for a solution of hydrochloric acid and different amounts of sodium thiosulphate and water to turn from clear to cloudy when there is either more water and less sodium thiosulphate or the other way round.

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This is an investigation to find out the lengths of times for a solution of hydrochloric acid and different amounts of sodium thiosulphate and water to turn from clear to cloudy when there is either more water and less sodium thiosulphate or the other way round. To find this out, I am going to do an experiment and record my results to see what I learn from this.

Before I do this experiment, I have some background knowledge that will help me to do this experiment properly.

I know that a catalyst (in this case, the sodium thiosulphate) is a substance that when added to a reaction mixture, speeds up the reaction, but at the end remains chemically unchanged. It does this by providing an alternate reactions pathway with a lower activation energy.

With this background knowledge, I can therefore make a prediction before I start doing my work on the experiment. I predict that when there is a larger volume of sodium thiosulphate to a smaller volume of water the reaction will happen much quicker than when there is a large volume of water to a smaller volume of sodium thiosulphate and the solution will turn from clear to a cloudy white colour.

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On the following page is a list of the equipment I will be using when I start my experiment.

Apparatus List

A short list of the equipment I will need to do this experiment.

  • Measuring Cylinder

  • One Conical Flask

  • Jars of Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate

  • Thermometer

  • Water, or access to taps

  • Stopwatch

  • Two small pieces of paper with crosses drawn on in pencil

  • Safety Goggles


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