My investigation is to find out whether consuming caffeine affects the body and, if so, in what way. In order to find out I am going to set up an experiment.

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My investigation is to find out whether consuming caffeine affects the body and, if so, in what way. In order to find out I am going to set up an experiment.  

Background, research and Theory

Caffeine is the ingredient that gives coffee, tea, chocolate and Coca cola (Coke) its kick.  It is called a stimulant because it causes a number of physiological effects.  Stimulants are drugs which speed up the action of the brain.

  Caffeine affects the central nervous system and tends to stimulate the release of two key hormones - *epinephrine and norepinephrine.  

*(Norepinephrine and epinephrine are sometimes called noradrenalin and adrenaline)

 To understand this I will explain how nerve impulses are transmitted from cell to cell.

Passage of nervous impulses from cell to cell

Interchange of information involves impulses crossing the small spaces between the nerve endings. These spaces are called synapses. The transfer of impulses across these synapses involves the release of a "transmitter" chemical from one nerve cell, which then quickly diffuses to the next nerve cell in the chain. There are several such neurotransmitter substances.

Caffeine belongs to the xanthine chemical group. Adenosine is a naturally occurring xanthine in the brain that is used as a neurotransmitter at some synapses. One effect of caffeine is to interfere with adenosine at multiple sites in the brain. Caffeine also acts at other site in the body to increase heart rate, constrict blood vessels, relax air passages to improve breathing and allow some muscles to contract more easily.

In the heart, the response to caffeine prompts norepinephrine and a related neurotransmitter, epinephrine, to increase the rate and force of the muscle's contractions. Although the two act in partnership, norepinephrine is released by sympathetic nerves near the pacemaker tissue of the heart, whereas epinephrine is released primarily by the adrenal glands. These chemical messages lead to "fight or flight" behaviour. During stressful or emergency conditions, they raise the rate and force of the heart, thereby increasing the blood pressure and delivering more oxygen to the brain and other tissues. 

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I predict that the more caffeine that is consumed then the more it will increase the rate of respiration and heart rate which means the oxygen and glucose goes to create energy reaching the muscles quicker, meaning reaction time will be much quicker.

For this to happen, the heart rate has to rise and blood pressure, although we will not be testing blood pressure, the reaction time will increase because the caffeine will increase the rate of respiration which will prepare the muscles ready for contractions.


In my science experiment I hope to ...

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