Observation Exercise Based On Organic Chemistry

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You are provided with three organic compounds H, I and J. H, I and J each belong to different homologous series. Carry out the reactions below and record your observations. In each case make what deductions you can about the functional group in the compound under test.

1.In a fume cupboard. Lace 3 drops of H on a piece of broken pot or a crucible lid and try to ignite it with a wooden splint.

2.Place 1cm3 of H in a test tube, add equal volume of bromine water, cork the tube and shake the mixture.

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3. Place 1cm3 of H in a tube and add 1cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid and 10 drops of dilute potassium mangante (VII) solution. Shake the mixture.

 4. In a fume cupboard. Place 3 drops of I on a piece of broken pot or a crucible lid and try to ignite it with a wooden splint.

5. Place 1cm3 of I in a tube and add 1cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid and 10 drops of potassium manganate (VII) solution. Heat the mixture using a water bath.

6. Repeat test 5 with potassium dichromate (VI) in place of the potassium manganate (VII) solution.

7. In a ...

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