Osmosis Investigation

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Science coursework

Osmosis Investigation



Osmosis is the diffusion of water only, the movement of water particles from an area of a high water concentration to an area if lower water concentration through a partially permeable membrane. Cell membranes are partially permeable because they allow water to pass through, but not others. When the diffusion gradient of water has disappeared, osmosis stops.

Osmosis in plant cells

Cell, in nature fluctuate between being flaccid and fully turgid. Osmosis is very important for the plants.

  • Helping to support a plant

The vacuole of a plant cell contains cell sap, which is a solution of different solutes in water. Water therefore enters the cell sap by osmosis, and the vacuole has the appearance of blown up a balloon. This forces the cytoplasm against the cell wall. The cell is said to be ‘Turgid’. If a plant is short of water, for example a pot plant which has not watered recently, the cell vacuole if ‘Flaccid’ and the plant wilts.

  • A plant root cell taking in water

The vacuole of the root hair cell is more concentrated than the soil water. Water therefore enters the root by osmosis.

  • Controlling the stomata in leaves

The size of the stomata is controlled by the guard cells which surround them. As the guard cells become turgid they cause the stomata to open, thus allowing more gases to enter and leave the leaf.

  • Plasmolysis

If a plant is not watered, water may leaves it by osmosis and cytoplasm may also shrink from cell wall. This process is called plasmolysis.


The xylem transports water and dissolves minerals from the roots to the leaves. They are ‘sucked’ up the xylem by a process called ‘Transpiration’.

Transpiration is the evaporation of water from inside the leaves to the surrounding air. The water vapour passes out the leaves by diffusion.

This is what happens in transpiration:

  • Water molecules diffuse from the xylem into the spongy mesophyll cells through cell membranes.
  • Water evaporates into air space.
  • Water vapour diffuses out the stomata.
  • Water lost from the spongy mesophyll cells is replaces by more water from the xylem.

Transpiration is increased by:

  • More light because water is used up as the photosynthesis more.
  • Increased temperatures because photosynthesis and evaporation             increase with temperature.
  • Increased air movement, which increase evaporation.
  • Decreased humidity because water evaporates more easily into dry air.
  • The state of the stomata, their number, distribution, position and size.
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Importance of water

Water is so important for plants; they can’t survive without it because:

  • It enable transport of minerals
  • Keep leaves cool
  • Enable growth
  • Form fruits
  • Produce glucose
  • Provides support
  • React with carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.

Cell wall

  • made of cellulose
  • Freely permeable to all kinds of molecules.
  • Supports and protects the cell

Cell membrane

  • freely permeable to water and gases only
  • selectively permeable to other molecules
  • controls what goes in and out of the cell


  • space filled with a fluid called cell sap ...

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