Photosynthesis Investigation

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             To find out if the intensity (brightness)      

            of light will have an effect on the rate of    

           photosynthesis in green pond weed called


Research on photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is processes by chlorophyll (green in the leaf).The three things that is needed in photosynthesis are sunlight from the sun, energy form the roots coming form the soil nitrate and carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast cells where it contains chlorophyll and other things. Bacteria comes from the sunlight which then turns into chemical energy. What happens is

Carbon dioxide + water +light energy                glucose + oxygen

Glucose is some kind of sugar. The three things that affect photosynthesis is when the temperature gets lower, amount of carbon dioxide and if the light is kept away from the plant.  


                                                                                   A bulb



Pond weed called Elodea

60 watt bulb with a holder

Cold water form the school pond

A ruler

A stop watch


Making the experiment a fair test:

The way I’m going to make the experiment a fair test is by using the same pond weed and just altering the distance from the bulb and the test tube , the disadvantage of using them same pond weed is that the weed would start to worn out meaning the colour of the leaf would start to go and that would effect the experiment in some way so the when the leaf is put in water and the advantage is by using a different leaf each time it’s not making it a fair test and the results wouldn’t be that correct and the leaf might process photosynthesis faster then each experiment. Do the experiment more then once so I would have reliable results. Take the results at reliable times and not at just any time. Do the experiment on one side of the room because of keeping the temperature the same it should give me good results.

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What I think might happen in the experiment is for the first results they should be low meaning that not many bubbles would be coming out of the leaf because of not using extra light and just use the sun as light.Now I’m going to use a 60 watt bulb for the other four experiments and I’m just going to change the distances for each experiment, see what I think is going to   happen is when you put bulb near to the weed the photosynthesis  process should go faster. The lower the light is given to ...

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