Qualitative Tests - Organic

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Sumeet Riar

Qualitative Tests


AIM: Identify compound E and F


Transfer one quarter of E to an inverted crucible lid. Heat it gently from below to dry it, when white fumes begin to evolve ignite it from above.


The white fumes evolved in less then 1 minute of heating.

When ignited a large flame arose. When flame was blown out initially black liquid formed followed by residue of soot around the lid. Once settled very small crystals could be observed.


An aromatic compound or very highly saturated, also could be aliphatic.


Heat a little of E with water then filter if needed, separate the solution into two portions

(i) Test the first portion of the solution with red and blue litmus paper
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(ii) To the other portion, add aqueous iron (III) chloride.


Compound E does not dissolve fully in water and has to be filtered, and the filtration is a slow process.

(i) The red litmus paper turned from red to pink

The blue litmus paper turned from blue to dark red / pink

(ii) The solution turned a dark purple colour


(i) Shows the compound is an acidic solution

(ii) A phenol or phenoxide, coloured complex maybe formed with Fe3+


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