Rate of Reactions

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Rajdhir Dhand 11W

Investigation – Rate of Reactions


        I am investigating how to change the rate of reaction in chemicals. The collision theory tells us that for a chemical reaction to even take place particles must collide.


The rate of a chemical reaction may be affected by:


        The concentration of the reactant

        The temperature

        Intensity of radiation

        Particle size of a solid

        Surface area


We can measure:


        The amount of gas given off – Seeing whether the reaction produces a gas, and as the gas is released, a stopwatch could be used to time how long it takes before the gas disappears.

        The time taken to react fully – By using a stopwatch, starting the time from when the ant acid tablet is put in to the solution, and then stopped when the reactant has fully reacted.


We can observe:

        How vigorous the reaction is – By adding various amounts of hydrochloric acid and water. This will show if the reactants are more vigorous with a stronger acid or diluted solution.  

        Colour Intensity – if one of the substance involved is coloured

        Acidic/Alkaline – By measuring its pH

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        The more concentrated the chemical, the more collisions there will be between particles.  This is because there are more acid particles in the same volume so therefore particles will tend to collide more quickly and easily with particles on the surface.

        Another factor that can alter the rate of reaction, using the collision theory is the effect of surface area.  This is done by using smaller pieces of solids, especially powders, as these react faster than larger pieces.  This is because more particles are exposed over a larger surface area.

        The effect of temperature also has an ...

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