The aim of this experiment is to determine as accurately as possible the concentration of a limewater solution

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    The aim of this experiment is to determine as accurately as possible the concentration of a limewater solution. I have decided that in order for the experiment to work best, giving me an accurate as possible result, I will titrate the limewater with Hydrochloric Acid. I will ensure all necessary safety precautions are followed.

    The problem that may arise during this experiment is that there will be a different amount of Hydrochloric acid needed for each titration. This problem could arise because the limewater is sparingly soluble, meaning it has not completely dissolved. Therefore each 25 cm3 pipette of limewater will require different amounts of Hydrochloric acid. To help overcoming this problem I am going perform the titration experiment 5 times. From these results I will be able to calculate an average for the amount of Hydrochloric acid required to titrate 25cm3 limewater.

     The first thing I must do in this experiment is to calculate the concentration of Hydrochloric acid that can be used on a reasonable amount of limewater. I will than dilute the Hydrochloric acid given which is of 2.00mol dm-3 to that I have calculated. Following this I will be able to measure out the limewater ready for titration with the Hydrochloric acid. My chosen indicator is phenolphthalein because I believe it will give the clearest colour change, making it easily noticeable as to when the required amount of Hydrochloric acid to neutralise the limewater has be added.    

Apparatus for diluting Hydrochloric acid

2.00 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid

250cm3 Beaker

10cm3 graduated pipette

Pipette filler


Glass rod


250cm3 Volumetric Flask

Distilled water


Apparatus for titration

250cm3 0.02 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid

50cm3 Burette

Burette Clamp

Burette stand

White tile


250cm3 conical flask X5

Calcium hydroxide (1g in 1000cm3)

Phenolphthalein indicator

Method to dilute Hydrochloric Acid


    At the start of the experiment we are provided with 2.00 mol dm-3 of Hydrochloric acid. This concentration of Hydrochloric acid is far too high to be used to titrate 25cm3 of limewater. Decreasing the concentration of the Hydrochloric acid, will increase the amount of Hydrochloric acid required. Using 2.00 mol dm3 of Hydrochloric acid will require 0.337cm3 of Hydrochloric acid this is far too small of an amount to measure in a 50cm3 burette. From the calculations I made, I found that 33.7cm3 (a reasonably measurable amount) could be obtained if 0.02mol dm-3 of Hydrochloric acid was titrated.

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    The safety precautions required for this experiment is to wear goggles to protect your eyes. The Hydrochloric acid at 2.00mol dm-3 can be an irritant to the skin, but not so much at 0.02mol dm-3.

    I have calculated that in order to make up 250cm3 of 0.02mol dm-3 Hydrochloric acid. I will require 2.5cm3 of 2.00 mol dm-3 Hydrochloric acid made up to 250cm3 with distilled water.

    The method I will use to dilute this Hydrochloric acid will involve me measuring out 2.5cm3 of 2.00 mol dm-3 Hydrochloric acid. This will be done using a 10cm3 graduated pipette, which gives the ...

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