long) and wwga gaw esgagas ayga gaba nga kcga gauk.
then measured the time taken for the magnesium ribbon to disappear, using
the stop
clock. Next, we diluted the acid by placing 9ml of acid and 1ml of water into
the testube
and then poured it into the beaker with the magnesium and measured the time
taken for
the magnesium ribbon to disappear using the stop clock. Then 8ml of acid
and 2ml of
water solution on the magnesium, measured time taken for magnesium to
disappear using
stop clock . Then 7ml of acid and 3ml of acid, repeated as above . Then 6ml
of acid and
4ml of water, repeated as above. We repeated the experiment 3 times to get a
fair test by wwfe few esfefes ayfe feba nfe kcfe feuk.
proving that all results are accurate, if they were inaccurate we repeated the
again, or ignored wrong results.We tabulated the results in a clear table as
soon as each
experiment was completed ,in case we lost them and to check for possible
errors or gaps
in our results and it helped us to spot patterns in the results. We calculated
the different,
concentrations of the acid throughout the experiment using the method below
as in the
When we did the experiment, we made sure that we started the stop clock, at
exactly the
same time as the acid was poured onto the magnesium, to measure the start
of the
reaction to the finish of the reaction where the equivalent care was taken to
stop the clock
at the point the magnesium disappeared which was at the end of the reaction.
While we
set up the apparatus we kept the reactants separate so that the starting time of
reactants could be measured accurately and for it to be a fair test. We wore
safety goggles
when we did the experiment, to protect our eyes from the very harmful acid.
considered the factors in the reaction, and decided how we were going to
control them.
We kept our eyes on the experiment so that we could see exactly when we
sholud´ve from www.essaybank.co.uk
started the stop clock and stopped the clock. This way the rate of
reaction(the time taken
for the magnesium to disappear) was measured accurately for a fair test. We
made sure
the amount of magnesium used stayed the same in all the experiments(2cm
The results for, the time taken for magnesium to disappear when it is placed
in different
concentrations of acid are summarised below.
From the results in the table and the graph we can see a steady increase in the
rate of
reaction as the concentration of the acid decreaes. This complies with my
prediction. wwaa aaw esaaaas ayaa aaba naa kcaa aauk!
The graph shows that there is an increase in the rate of reaction as the
increases because the graph has it´s largest gradient or it is steepest at this
When the graph was made into 1/time the result should have been a sraight
line graph but
it did not turn out this way even though concentration~1/time. This 1/time
graph could be
wrong because of inaccurate results so there seems to be no relationship
between the wwda daw esdadas ayda daba nda kcda dauk!
concentration graph and the 1/time graph. We can see from the rate of
reaction graph that
when the concentration roughly doubles from (1.8 moles to 3 moles) the rate
of the
reaction doubles (from 60 to 25 seconds). Also we can see that as the
reaction continues wweb ebw esebebs ayeb ebba neb kceb ebuk!
the concentration of the reactants decrease and so does the rate of the
reaction as we can
see the decreasing gradient on the graph steadily falling and coming to a stop
when the
reaction is complete and the magnesium has completely disappeared.
I can conclude that if you double the concentration of the acid the reaction
rate would
also double, this is because the ions are closer together in a concentrated
solution. The
closer together they are, the more often the ions collide. The more often they
collide, the
higher the chance of a reaction between the magnesium and the hydrochloric
acid. Also
because there are more particles in the solution which would increase the
likelihood that
they would hit the magnesium so the reaction rate would increase. The graph
gives us a
good device to prove that if you double the concentration the rate of reaction
doubles. If
you increase the number of particles in the solution it is more likely that they
will collide
more often. In the reaction, when the magnesium hit the acid, it fizzed and
many bubbles it was silver in colour(which is one magnesiums physical
properties silvery
white metallic element), the activation energy of a particle gets higher with
heat, the tk4 from tk4 essay tk4 bank tk4 co tk4 uk
particles which have to have the activation energy are those particles which
are moving,
in the case of magnesium and hydrochloric acid, it is the hydrochloric acid
which have to have the activation energy because they are the ones that are
moving and
bombarding the magnesium particles to produce magnesium chloride. The
graph for
1/time had the form of an s curve and it did have some relationship with the
other graph.
There are many reasons why our results for the 1/time graph did not prove
the point that wwcb cbw escbcbs aycb cbba ncb kccb cbuk.
concentration~1/time,such as
1)When the reaction takes place bubbles of H2 are given off ,which might
stay around the
magnesium which therefore reduces the surface area of the magnesium and
so the acid
cannot react properly so this effects the results.
2)We could have controlled factors in the investigation better (e.g the stirring
of the
solution because if this is´nt done properly it can lead to incorrect results).
3)using larger concentrations of acid would give a bigger more accurate
instead of just using 10ml testubes use 1litre testubes, this way graphs would
be more
spaced out and give an accurate form or curve
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Magnesium ribbon is just another form of magnesium metal. This reacts with hydrochloric acid
(and virtually all other acids) to form the acid salt of magnesium and hydrogen: Mg + 2HCl =
MgCl2 + H2 Hydrogen is a gas and will be seen as bubbles. However, it is also very explosive,
so do not have any flames around when you do it, unless you know exactly what you are doing!
Magnesium chloride is soluble, so the magnesium ribbon will slowly disappear into solution.
'''This chemistry coursework requires an investigation to see how long it takes for magnesium
ribbon to be eaten away by hydrochloric acid.
Before starting the investigation, I decided to do some research about magnesium and
hydrochloric acid.
Magnesium is a light, shiny grey metallic element, symbol Mg, atomic number 12, found in group
two in the periodic table. It is quite reactive giving vigorous reactions towards acids. It is one of
the alkaline earth metals, and the lightest of the commonly used metals. It is used in alloys, flash
photography, flares, fireworks and flash bulbs because it burns vigorously in air with a bright
white light. Magnesium reacts with steam to release hydrogen and it also burns in carbon
dioxide gas.
Hydrochloric acid, HCl, is a solution of hydrogen chloride (a colourless acidic gas) in water.
The concentrated acid is about 35% hydrogen chloride and is corrosive. The acid is a typical
strong, monobasic acid forming only one series of salts, the chlorides. Like most acids, it
releases hydrogen ions when it is added to water and certain metals, and has a pH of less than
7. Hydrochloric acid is a common laboratory acid.
Extracts from: a chemistry coursework from an Internet source and
The HUTCHINSON Dictionary of SCIENCE second edition.
Before looking at the factors that can alter the rate of reaction, we must consider what happens
when a reaction take place.
First of all, the particles of the reacting substances must collide with each other and, secondly,
they need a certain amount of energy to break down the bonds of the particles and form new
ones. This energy is called the activation energy or Ea. If a collision between particles can
produce sufficient energy (i.e. if they collide fast enough and in the right direction) a reaction will
take place. Not all collisions will result in a reaction. essaybank.co.uk
The investigation could be done using one variable and therefore have a set of results which
were related in some way. The variables that could be used are:
1. Concentration
2. Particle size/surface area
3. Pressure (for reactions involving gas)
4. Temperature
5. Light
6. Presence of a catalyst.
These variables can be used because:
1. The more concentrated the reactants, the greater the rate of reaction will be. This is because
increasing the concentration of the reactants increases the number of collisions between particles
and, therefore, increases the rate of reaction. wweg egw esegegs ayeg egba neg kceg eguk!
2. When one of the reactants is a solid, the reaction must take place on the surface area of the
solid. By breaking up the solid into smaller pieces, the surface area is increased, giving a greater
area of collisions to take place and so causing an increase in the rate of reaction. wwfd fdw
esfdfds ayfd fdba nfd kcfd fduk!
3. When one or more of the reactants are gases an increase in pressure can lead to an increased
rate of reaction. The increase in pressure forces the particles closer together. This causes more
collisions and increases the rate of reaction.
4. An increase in temperature produces an increase in the rate of reaction. A rise of 10º C
approximately doubles the rate of reaction. When a mixture of substances is heated, the
particles move faster. This has two effects. Since the particles are moving faster they will travel
greater distance in a given time and so will be involved in more collisions. Also, because the
particles are moving faster a larger proportion of the collisions will exceed the activation energy
and so the rate of reaction increases. wwad adw esadads ayad adba nad kcad aduk!
5. The rates of some reactions are increased by exposure to light. Light has a similar effect as
temperature because it produces heat.
6. A catalyst is a substance, which can alter the rate of a reaction but remains chemically
unchanged at the end of the reaction. Catalysts usually speed up a reaction. A catalyst, which
slows down a reaction, is called a negative catalyst or inhibitor. Catalysts speed up reactions by
providing an alternative pathway for the reaction, i.e. one that has much lower activation energy.
More collisions will, therefore, have enough energy for this new pathway. wweg egw esegegs
ayeg egba neg kceg eguk.
Extracts from: Letts Study Guide, GCSE CHEMISTRY.
All this information is relevant to my investigation, as I now know what would happen to the
molecules when using different variables. It also makes it easier to decide what variable I am
going to use in this circumstance.
I decided to use the concentration of acid as my variable. I used 5 different strengths of
hydrochloric acid. These strengths would determine the rates of reactions. I decided to measure
the acid in millilitres. I predicted that the higher the concentration of the acid, the faster the
reaction between magnesium ribbon and the hydrochloric acid. This would be because there
were more acid molecules to react with the magnesium ribbon. I decided that I would do 5
experiments and the different concentrations of hydrochloric acids were: L1SJ7Op Visit
essaybank eb co eb uk eb for more eb Do not eb redistribute L1SJ7Op
v 1.0 molar
v 1.25 molar
v 1.50 molar
v 1.75 molar
v 2.0 molar
Before doing the actual experiment I decided to do some preliminary work. These were to tell
me the details that I would need to know for my investigation to be successful. I saw from these
preliminary investigations that the magnesium ribbon started to react with the hydrochloric acid
the moment that I dropped it in. I decided that it would be a good idea to start timing the
second that I dropped it in. When the ribbon had been eaten away by the acid, it stopped
fizzing. I decided that I would stop timing the second that the fizzing stopped. I discovered from
my preliminary experiments that when I used a low concentration of hydrochloric acid, for
instance, 0.25 molar, it took a long time for the magnesium ribbon to be eaten away. I decided
that it would be impractical to spend time on the following strengths of hydrochloric acid: wwgc
gcw esgcgcs aygc gcba ngc kcgc gcuk!
v 0.25 molar
v 0.50 molar
v 0.75 molar
This was because they were the three slowest strengths of acids available to react with the
magnesium ribbon over a period of time. I also learnt from my preliminary experiments that it
was sometimes quite difficult to stop timing on the exact moment that the fizzing stopped. I
decided therefore that I would carry out each of the 5 experiments three times and find the
average time as this would result in a more accurate figure. wwcc ccw esccccs aycc ccba ncc
kccc ccuk.
When the magnesium ribbon reacts with the hydrochloric acid, magnesium chloride is formed. I
wrote down the equation to show this:
Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid = Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen
Mg + 2HCl = MgCl + H
The equipment I needed for the investigation were:
v Magnesium ribbon- 15 pieces, 1cm long and weighed 0.01g
v Hydrochloric acid – 30 ml of 1.0 molar
30 ml of 1.25 molar
30 ml of 1.50 molar
30 ml of 1.75 molar
30 ml of 2.0 molar
v Test tubes – 5
v Test tube rack
v Stop clock
v Pipette
v Measuring Cylinder
v Thermometer
v Safety goggles
I decided to do 5 experiments, three times each, using all the information that I gained while I
was doing my preliminary experiments.
To ensure a safe experiment and working environment I needed to have at least 1 meter
squared of working space around me, wear safety goggles at all times when using acid, use a
test tube rack instead of holding the test tubes, secure all equipment and make sure that all the
equipment were fully functional and not damaged.
To make the experiment a fair test I used the same amount of acid for all experiments, only
changing the concentrations. I used the same size of magnesium ribbon and weight
(approximately 0.01g). I also started the stop clock when the magnesium touched the acid and
stopped it when the magnesium stopped fizzing for each experiment. I always washed out the
test tubes when an experiment had finished so the different concentration wouldn´t get mixed
together causing strange results.
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First I measured out the amount of hydrochloric acid using the measuring cylinder. I used a
pipette to pour the acid into the measuring cylinder as to be accurate. I needed 10 ml of acid in
the cylinder and poured it into a test tube. I then put a thermometer into the test tube for 1
minute to check the temperature. I did this to see if the experiments with the same strength of
acids affected the rate of reaction if there was a change in temperature. I then got a piece of
magnesium ribbon about 1 cm long weighing 0.01g and dropped it into the acid and started
timing the moment that the magnesium ribbon touched the acid solution. When the magnesium
ribbon stopped fizzing, I stopped the clock and recorded the number of seconds (rounded up to
nearest second) taken for the reaction from start to finish. wwab abw esababs ayab abba nab
kcab abuk.
I made a table to record my results in. The table is shown below.
Experiment Strength of hydrochloric acids in 10 ml No. of Mg ribbon pieces (0.01g) Test 1
secs. Temp Test 2 secs. Temp Test 3 secs. Temp AverageSecs.
1 1.0 molar 1 151.0 18 ºc 141.0 18 ºc 117.0 18.4ºc 136.3
2 1.25 molar 1 81.0 17 ºc 76.0 17.5ºc 74.0 18 ºc 77.0
3 1.50 molar 1 58.0 17.5ºc 56.0 18 ºc 56.0 18 ºc 56.3
4 1.75 molar 1 50.0 18 ºc 41.0 18º c 31.0 18 ºc 40.7
5 2.0 molar 1 20.0 19 ºc 22.0 19 ºc 16.0 21 ºc 19.3
To calculate the average time that it took for the magnesium to be eaten away by the acid, I did
the following calculation:
Test 1 + Test 2 + Test 3 = Average time
As I already have mentioned, I used a measuring cylinder to make the measurements and used a
pipette for further accuracy. I did each experiment three times so I would be able to calculate
averages and thereby get more accurate results. I recorded the results in seconds instead of
minutes in order to obtain more precise results. I used a stop clock instead of a 24-hour clock
so I could look at the milliseconds and round it up to the nearest second, which made the results
more exact.
It was noticeable, when looking at the results table, that the more concentrated acid had a faster
rate of reaction than the less concentrated acid. This was probably because there are more
particles in a concentrated acid and therefore more collisions will occur. For instance, 1.0
molars´ average time, 136.3 seconds, is longer than 2.0 molars´ average time, which was 19.3
I made a graph to show the results.
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wwaf afw esafafs ayaf afba naf kcaf afuk;
The graph above supports my original prediction of: the more concentrated the acid the faster
the rate of reaction because it shows the time difference between the different strengths of acids.
In a higher concentration there are more acid particles to react with the magnesium ribbon and
therefore it is eaten away faster.
I conclude that changing one factor does have a significant effect on the rate of reaction as we
have seen.
Looking at the set of results obtained, you can clearly see that they all follow the expected
pattern. This is pattern suggests that the reaction rate increase when the concentration of the
acid increases because if you increase the concentration of the acid you are introducing more
particles into the reaction which will in turn produce a faster reaction because there will be more
collisions between the particles which is what increases the reaction rate. wwcf cfw escfcfs aycf
cfba ncf kccf cfuk. wwdf dfw esdfdfs aydf dfba ndf kcdf dfuk!
The evidence I have been able to gather from this investigation seems to lead to a quite firm
conclusion. I might not have been able to find the exact speed of the reactions but the pattern
seems to be correct as I have repeated readings three times and as it agrees with the information
I have researched.
I used the variable of concentration, which seemed to be of a good choice as it would show the
results of how more acid molecules reacting with magnesium, would result in a faster reaction.
There will always be ways in which you can improve your investigations and the same thing goes
to my investigation.
I found it very hard to measure out the exact number of millilitres for the acid even though I used
a pipette and I was also in a hurry. If I was to redo this investigation I would put some more
effort into measuring the acid. I could have used the wrong concentration of acid by accident
and that would have affected the speed because there would have been fewer or more acid
particles to react with the magnesium ribbon. Next time I do this experiment I would try to
remember which acid I am using so it doesn´t get mixed up. Every time I washed a test tube or
a measuring cylinder, I did not dry it before using it. This may have affected the rate of reaction,
as water would dilute the acid. To improve my results, I could dry the test tubes and the
measuring cylinder after they are washed to prevent diluted acids. The size and weight of the
magnesium would have affected the rate of reaction. The experiment could be improved by
measuring, adjusting and weighing the magnesium ribbons so they all are the same size and
weight. I also found out from background information, that the magnesium ribbon is covered
with a whitish deposit. This deposit was magnesium oxide where the magnesium had reacted
with the air. I would imagine that some pieces had only a little of this oxide and some had a lot.
The pieces of magnesium ribbon that did not have much oxide on them reacted faster than those
with a lot. To improve my results, I could clean the magnesium oxide of all the magnesium
pieces using some sandpaper, and this would mean that the acid would not have to eat through
the magnesium oxide before reacting with the magnesium. In my investigation I also measured
the temperature to see if there would be any change in the rate of reactions. From my results it
was noticeable to look at each experiment and see how the temperature had affected the rates
of reactions. For instance, if we refer back to the table on page 5 and look at experiment 5, test
three is slightly faster than test 1 or test 2 because it has a temperature of 21º, where as the
other two tests both have a temperature of 19º. To improve my investigation I could assure that
the temperature was constant all the time. I could also do more readings to get nearer to a more
accurate result.