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The aim of this investigation is to investigate the affect of bile salts on the action of the enzyme lipase

Bile salts:

Bile salts are secreted from the liver in the gall bladder, and then passed through the bile duct into the small intestine when food is passing through; they are involved in the emulsification of fats in the intestine, helping in the digestion and absorption of lipids. They also carry waste products to be excreted such as bile pigments. These derive from the breakdown of red blood cells. Bile salts are made up of a bile acid and an associated cation, which are usually amino acids. Bile salts are made up of two parts these are hydrophobic and hydrophilic components.

Figure one:

The above figure portrays the structure of bile acids. The hydrophobic part of the molecule associates with particles of dietary fat which causes the fat globules to break down into microscopic droplets; this increases the surface area of the fats for digestion by lipases. While the hydrophilic part associates with water which in turn emulsifies the insoluble fat, which is then absorbed through the intestinal wall. The figure illustrated below shows the action of bile salts in emulsifying fats in the intestine.

Figure one:

The bile acids are made from cholesterol, which is either ingested as part of our diet or derived from hepatic synthesis, which are then conjugated to an amino acid. After the absorption and the emulsification process bile salts are separated from the dietary lipid and are recycled as they return back to the liver for reuse. Bile consists of 98% water, 0.8% bile salt, 0.7% inorganic salts, 0.6%cholesterol and 0.2% bile pigments. In this investigation the presence of bile salts play a crucial role in the experiment as they emulsify the lipids making it easier for the lipase to act on the fats. The bile salt required is of 0.5 moles. 

Lipase as an enzyme:

A catalyst is a substance that can speed up the rate of a chemical reaction without being altered or used up. Catalysts allow substances to react more easily and quickly by providing an alternative pathway for the reaction and by helping bonds to break more easily, so the particles will need less energy to react and therefore speeding up the reaction. One known type of catalyst is enzymes. Enzymes are globular proteins, which act as biological catalysts. They are found in many kinds of cells, and collide into the precise 3-dimensional shape, consisting of long polypeptide chains folded into a tertiary structure. This structure is made stable by hydrogen, ionic and covalent bonds, in addition to disulphide bridges. In this investigation I will be using the enzyme lipase; the most important lipase is pancreatic lipase, which hydrolyses primary ester bonds into monoglycerides and free fatty acids. This lipase is strongly inhibited by bile salts, but is reactivated by colipase (colipase is secreted as procolipase, which is activated by trypsin during formation of colipase when needed).

For a chemical reaction to take place, energy is required to bring the reactants’ molecules together in order for them to collide. However, for a more successful collision between the molecules and a faster rate of reaction, enzymes are introduced, as they can increase the chances of these molecular collisions. They do this by operating on a lock and key mechanism, shown below.

Figure 1: A diagram of the lock and key model

This mechanism shows the substrate, which in this case is full fat milk, combining with the enzyme molecule, lipase, by attaching itself accurately onto a small part of the enzyme, known as the active site. The substrate (milk) is held in the active site by temporary bonds forming a structure, which is referred to as the enzyme-substrate complex.

The energy needed to allow such a reaction to continue, is called the activation energy. Indeed, to increase the rate of reaction and the formation of new products, this energy must also be increased to bring the reactants closer together for collision, as shown in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1

Adding Enzymes on the other hand, decreases this activation energy, and at the same time increasing the collision between the reactants, hence increasing the rate of reaction, as seen in figure 2.2

Figure 2.2

Lipase on lipids

A lipid is defined as an organic molecule that has a much greater solubility in common solvents (e.g. chloroform, ether) than in water. The enzyme lipase assists in the breakdown of lipids into smaller molecules known as carboxylic acid or fatty acids. With the production of fatty acids the pH of the solution should change to a more acidic value, this can be detected by a decrease in the pH value. The production of the fat will come in contact and be emulsified by the presence of bile salt.


The first step of fat absorption is hydrolysation of long-chain triglycerids, and thereafter emulsification by bile salts into micells and liquid cristals. These particles diffuse into the enterocytes, where they are resynthesised into triglycerides. The triglycerides are packed into chylomicrons and transported via the lymph. In this investigation we will focus on the digestion of these triglycerides as they are first emulsified, and then broken down by lipase before transported in our body through the lymph. Triglycerides are the most common type of lipids; they are made up of three fatty acids and combined with one glycerol molecule in a condensation reaction. Fatty acids are blocks of two types of lipids - storage fats and the structural phospholipids. Fatty acids possess a long hydrocarbon chain with a carbonyl group attached to its tail. These chains can be described as saturated or unsaturated. The latter is represented by double bonds between its carbon atoms, which suggests they lack the maximum possible amount of hydrogen, consequently, allowing them to melt more easily. Fatty acids differ from each other by the length of the hydrocarbon chain, and the number and position of double bonds. Below you can see a diagram of a saturated fatty acid, containing the maximum amount of hydrogen, and an unsaturated fatty acid with a double bond in the tail, creating a kink as the tail becomes bent, lacking the full number of hydrogen molecules.

Figure 3: the structure of a saturated and unsaturated fatty acid.

Sodium carbonate

Sodium carbonate is used to reduce the acidity of chemicals, it is therefore maintains a very high pH which provides its alkali features. The sodium carbonate may be added to milk, before bile salt is in contact with the lipids, increasing the milks pH from neutral to alkali, this is necessary for when the enzyme is added one can identify the extent to which the pH drops again.  


I predict that the greater the factor of bile salt the easier and quicker it is for the lipase to breakdown the lipids, whether or not this is correct will be observed by the duration taken for the pH to drop becoming more acidic once the bile salt has reacted with the cream emulsifying the fats thereby allowing the lipase to work more efficiently breaking down the lipids into single fatty acids. Furthermore, once you decrease the concentration of bile salt the less powerful the activity of the lipase. This is a result of a diluted solution of bile restricting the degree of emulsification on the lipids therefore, lipids surface area does not increase dramatically leading to a slower reaction as the lipase requires a longer period of time to work on the fats, this means the decrease in pH will be limited and a longer period will be required for the pH to drop. One explanation for the reasons of this is that a limited surface area will mean less contact between substrate and enzyme, in this case the amount of collisions between the lipid and the lipase particles becomes less frequent.    

Null hypothesis

There is no difference between the varying concentrations on the activity of lipase. Furthermore the rate of reaction will not be affected by the presence of bile.


There are a number of variables, which must be controlled at all times throughout the experiment to ensure that my results are reliable and accurate, in addition to clarifying a fair test was conducted. The controlled variables are presented in the table below:

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This experiment does not only consist of controlled variables but also uncontrolled variables will be present, as illustrated below:


This stage of my coursework was conducted to ensure that I chose the best and most accurate method for my actual experiment. The first preliminary experiment held, was to investigate the amount of alkali solution used. At first we used 20cm of sodium hydrogen carbonate however, we observed that once this was added to the milk, it would instantly denature the milk before the lipase and bile salts were even added. This lead me to believe that ...

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