The Effect of Sugar Solution on Plant Cells

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The Effect of Sugar Solution on Plant Cells

Aim - My aim is to find out how sugar solution of different strengths affects the cells in potato chips, which have been stored in 0.3M solutions.

Prediction - I predict that when the plant cells are put in sugar solution with a concentration higher than 0.3M they will shrink. When they are put in a sugar solution with a concentration lower than 0.3M, or distilled water I predict that they will expand.

Scientific Reasoning - When the potato chips are put into sugar solution with a concentration higher than 0.3M they will shrink because of osmosis. If there is more water in the plant cell than there is in the sugar solution, the water will move from where there is a high concentration of water (the cell) to where there is a low concentration of water (the sugar solution). When the chips are put in sugar solution with a concentration lower than 0.3M osmosis will cause the chips to get bigger, as the water from the sugar solution will go into the chips, where there is a lower concentration.

Equipment - 6 petri dishes

18 potato chips - 3 for each solution to make a fair test

Sugar solution of 5 different strengths

Distilled water







Ceramic cutting tile

Plan - 1. Get some sugar solution with concentrations of 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.6M, 0.8M and 1.0M and some distilled water and using a pipette put 20ml of each solution into separate petri dishes. Put the petri dishes into the tray.
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2. Take 18 potato chips out of their 0.3M solution using tweezers and put then onto a ceramic cutting tile. Using a ruler and scalpel measure and cut the chips to 50mm. Be careful not to cut yourself with the scalpel by pointing it away from you when using it.

3. Using the tweezers place 3 potato chips into each petri dish. There are 3 chips in each dish because this makes it a fairer test. Start the stopwatch.

4. After 45 minutes take the potato chips out of the solutions and measure them again using ...

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*** This is a fairly good account of an osmosis investigation and explanations are sound. However, more attention to detail is needed.