The reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid.

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Phil Scott 10V                June 24th, 2003

Chemistry Coursework

The reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid


In this investigation, we are trying to determine the effect that changing the concentration of the hydrochloric acid has on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. We have chosen to measure how long it takes before the solution becomes cloudy and the light beam is no longer detected through it. We can do this by using light gates attached to a computer that will record the results on a graph.


        I believe that the greater the concentration of hydrochloric acid, the less time it will take before the light beam is no longer detected through the solution. When the acid is pure and isn’t diluted at all then the reaction should be the quickest. When the acid is the weakest then the reaction will be slower because the concentration of the molecules isn’t as much and so there is less chance of a successful collision to cause the reaction.

Scientific Information:

The rate of a reaction is the amount of a substance that takes part in a chemical reaction in a given time. Chemical reactions happen at widely different rates. The weathering of buildings and statues caused by acid rain is very slow, but the reactions that take place when a firework explodes are very fast. Most reactions take place at a rate somewhere between that of a firework explosion, which is almost instantaneous, and that of weathering stone. Speeding up useful reactions and slowing down harmful ones can be important in industrial production processes, and in activities such as preserving buildings or foodstuffs.

The rate of reaction can be calculated by using one of two formulae:

        Rate of reaction = amount of product forming

                                        time taken


                Rate of reaction = amount of reagent reacting

                                                time taken

There are four factors that change reaction rates: -

Temperature: -

All chemical reactions go faster at a higher temperature and if reacting substances are heated, the rate of the reaction usually rises. Temperature has a very noticeable effect, and can sometimes double the reaction rate. Many industrial processes use high temperatures to make reactions go fast. The faster the reaction, the quicker you get products, which make the process more profitable. However, there are limits because high temperatures are expensive because it means using a lot of energy. In practice, most industrial processes use moderately high temperatures rather than extremely high temperatures. Changing the temperature works backwards as well, so if reacting substances are cooled, the reaction slows down. In order to react, the particles in the substances must collide with each other. Heat gives them more energy to move around and so increases the chances of a collision. Also, when particles do collide, they are more likely to react, rather than just bounce off each other, if they are moving faster. Cooling has the opposite effects, and the particles slow down and are less likely to collide with each other and start a chemical reaction

Concentration: -

In any reaction involving solutions, a concentrated solution always reacts faster than a dilute one. ‘Concentrated’ means that the solution has a lot of solute dissolved in a particular volume. Increasing the concentration of reactants can have an effect similar to heating them, because the more particles present, the more likely a collision, and so the higher the reaction rate. Also like the temperature, it works backwards as well. If you reduce the concentration by diluting the solution, then it will take a lot longer to react because there aren’t as many reactants to collide and so there is less chance of a successful collision.

Surface Area: -

Surface area also affects the rate of a reaction. The larger the surface area the faster the reaction rate. If something has a very small surface area then it will take a long time to react because the particles are less likely to collide because there is a smaller area to collide with. If you were to chop up a large potato into very small pieces then the smaller pieces would react a lot faster because there is more area for the particles to collide and react with.

Catalysts: -

The final factor that affects the rate of a reaction is the presence of a catalyst. Catalysts are substances that alter the rate of a chemical reaction without getting used up. When a reaction has finished, the catalyst is still there. This makes catalysts very useful because they can be used again and again. Different reactions require different catalysts so you can’t just buy one and use it for any reaction. You have to buy a different one for each different reaction. Catalysts work by absorbing the molecules of reacting substances onto the surface of the catalyst. This brings the molecules of reactants closer together and weakens the bonds so that they break more easily. The reactants can then form new bonds to give the products of the reaction. Catalysts work best with large surface areas because they have to absorb lots of reactants onto their surface.

Catalysts don’t speed up the chemical reaction directly, but they lower the activation energy that is required to start the reaction. This means that more of the colliding particles will overcome the activation energy barrier and react, thus meaning the overall reaction is quicker. Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy with which two reacting particles must collide for a reaction to take place. Chemical reactions take place when reacting particles collide with an amount of energy greater than or equal to the activation energy.

        The next diagram shows what the activation energy of a reaction looks like when represented on a graph. As you can see, the graph goes up before it starts to come down. This is because the reaction needs a certain amount of energy to break the bonds between the reactants before the reaction can occur and new bonds can be formed. The energy is absorbed, usually in the form of heat, to break the bonds, and then is given off again when the new bonds are made. This is an exothermic reaction because more energy is given off when making new bonds than is taken in when breaking old bonds.

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To explain reaction rates, collision theory is used. Collision theory states that chemical reactions will occur when particles of the reactants collide. They must collide with a certain minimum energy, the activation energy. Collision theory is all about the chances of a successful collision taking place between reactants. If one particle collides with another one in the right place at the right speed with the right amount of energy then the reaction will occur. If it doesn’t, then nothing will happen and the particles will bounce off each other. That may seem like a lot to happen for ...

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