To investigate how concentration affects the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid.

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Rates of reaction

Aim: To investigate how concentration affects the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid.

Introduction: I know that the equation for this reaction is:

        Na2S2O3+ 2HCl 2NaCl + S + SO2 + H2O

This shows me that one of the products in this reaction is Sulphur Dioxide. This means a precipitate will be formed therefore allowing me to time when the experiment is complete.

        During my experiment I will change the concentration of the Sodium Thiosulphate to allow me to see how concentration affects the rate of reaction.

        The collision theory states that the more particles (the higher the concentration) the faster the reaction. This is because there are more particles to collide in the reaction causing the change to happen faster.

Hypothesis: I think that the higher the concentration of the sodium Thiosulphate the faster the reaction. This is based on the collision theory and my preliminary experiment. I found that the more concentrated the solution the faster the experiment went.

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Preliminary Summary: I placed a 10cm magnesium strip in 3 different concentrations of Hydrochloric acid. I then calculated how long it took for 100cm of Hydrogen gas to be given off in the shortest time. Here are my results:

        0.5 molar – 3 mins for 55cm gas

        1 molar – 85.4 seconds for 100ml gas

        2 molar – 19.06 seconds for 100ml gas

This proves the collision theory correct and I now have a starting point for my experiment.

Method: I will draw a cross on a piece of paper and place a beaker in the centre over the ...

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