To investigate the affect of light intensity on oxygen produced by pondweed.

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To investigate the affect of light intensity on oxygen produced by pondweed.


I predict as the light intensity increases the pondweed will produce more bubbles of oxygen because the pondweed photosynthesises quicker when more light can get to it.

For photosynthesis to happen, carbon dioxide needs to get inside the leaves. It does this by diffusion through the very tiny little holes under the leaf called stomata.
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A lamp

2xBeakers or jam jars


Sodium hydrogen carbonate

Paper clip

2cm of pondweed

Stop watch


.Cut off a sprig of pondweed 5cm long.

2.Attach a paper clip to the top end to weigh it down.

3.Put it in a beaker or jam jar water level should be 2cm over pond weed.

4.Add a spatula of sodium hydrogen carbonate to the water this will ensure that the pondweed has a good supply of carbon dioxide.

5. Place a lamp to one side ...

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