Which Equation Is Correct?

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Which Equation Is Correct?

Aim: To design and plan an experiment to measure a volume of gas that will prove which of the following two equations is correct.

                Equation 1: 2CuCO3(s) → Cu2O(s) + 2CO2(g) + ½O2(g)

                Ratio of 4:5

                Equation 2: CuCO3(s)   CuO(s) + CO2(g)

                Ratio of 1:1

A known mass of copper carbonate will be heated, and the volume of gas given off will be measured. From this, the number of moles of gas can be calculated. This will allow you to find out which equation is correct, because it is stated that each reaction produces a different number of moles of gas when heated.

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Safety: CuCO3 is harmful and irritant. Goggles and a lab coat must be worn.

Apparatus/Chemical List:

  • Conical Flask – 250cm3
  • 100cm3 Gas Syringe.
  • Clamp Stand
  • Clamp and Boss
  • Delivery Tube with bung
  • Boiling Tube
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Top-Pan Balance
  • Spatula
  • Copper Carbonate, CuCO3

Introduction: As the gas syringe can hold a maximum volume of 100cm3 I am going to work out how much CuCO3 to use so that the maximum volume isn’t reached and error is reduced. The aim is to collect about 90cm3 of gas.

In standard conditions, the volume of one mole of gas is 24dm3. ...

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