Emma Hunter M42
Assess the claim that Religion is a Conservative Force
The view that religion acts as a conservative force in society is usually linked mainly with the Marxist approach. Marx argued that the bourgeoisie (the ruling class) used religious ideas as part of the ‘ideological state apparatus’, this referring to those institutions that served to conceal the capitalist exploitation of the proletariats (the working class) and at the same time make them believe, under false pretences, that society functioned in a fair and meritocratic way. This Marxist approach can be identified within many religious hymns; this Victorian hymn is one of many which highlight the Marxist view;
“The rich man in his castle
The poor man at his gate
God made them high and lowly,
And ordered their estate.”
There are many hymns which make reference to social inequalities being ‘God-given’, together with the assumption that people should therefore accept willingly these inequalities and therefore not question them.
An example that is often used to demonstrate how religion can act as a conservative force in society is that of the Hindu caste system. This existed for two thousand years, and huge inequalities between the different castes were explained, justified and maintained by religious beliefs, particularly that of reincarnation. In simple terms this meant that Hindus believed that only if they strictly obeyed the rules of their caste then they would consequently be reincarnated into a higher caste. Failure to obey caste rules also resulted in punishment in this life, not just in the afterlife, with people who committed offences having to go through ritual purification to be reinstated. Or is the offence was too serious for this, offenders would be ‘out-castes’ and not be able to live with the group. Even those that are right at the bottom of society, often referred to as ‘untouchables’, had an incentive to put up with their lot uncomplainingly, in expectation of being one rung up in the caste ladder in their next life. Although the caste was outlawed by the British under colonial rule in India, it still persisted, especially in more rural areas, and the length of time or which is lasted is an accredited example of how religious ideas can act as a conservative force in society.