Assess the view that 'Poverty is caused by social inequalities that are built into the structure of society'.

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Emma Bramley


Assess the view that ‘Poverty is caused by social inequalities that are built into the structure of society’. 20marks

        Poverty can be defined differently, those of contradictory opinions on poverty will probably also have dissimilar opinions on the causes of poverty and the measurement of poverty. For example Marxists and Feminists have ideologies based on conflict. Marxists believe that there is a class struggle, and that the exploitation created by capitalism creates poverty. Feminists believe that Patriarchy builds in social inequalities and their ideologies are demonstrated by the inequalities in salary between women and men. There is also research proving that there are more women than men in poverty, and 93% of lone parents in poverty are women. However conflicting arguments are held by the New Right. Their supporters include Margaret Thatcher, Charles Murray and David Marsland and their ideology is based on the individual, and not society as a whole. The New Right believes that it is through the individuals’ laziness that poverty is caused.

        Those that agree with the view that poverty is caused by the social inequalities that are built into society are Marxists, Feminists and Social Democrats. Marxists believe that the capitalist society is structured by the economy, and this structure needs to be totally transformed to be able to eradicate poverty. This would include a revolutionary overthrow of capitalism because eventually the situation will progress to a small minority of the bourgeoisie (ruling class) and a pool of cheap labour, this is a strong view because there are more people in poverty than those who are rich, and Marxists explained this by suggesting that institutions in the superstructure, such as the media, exploit the proletariat, keeping them poor. A weakness to the Marxists point of view is that it fails to explain why some groups are more prone to poverty than others, e.g. women and the disabled. The revolutionary overthrow is unlikely to happen because there is not widespread support because most people do not encounter poverty.

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Feminists believe that society is structured by Patriarchy, the idea that men are the most important people in society, and everything in society is organised to provide for the needs of men. This view is supported by the distribution of salaries; examples of this are managerial positions in large companies where women get paid less for the same job and numerous other industries. Another good example relates to the view that social inequalities are built into society, there are more women that are reliant on the state pension, which is 20% less than men’s, this is because women were unable ...

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