Discuss the concept of 'Double Colonization'; how do postcolonial women writers contest both patriarchy and colonialism.

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Discuss the concept of ‘Double Colonization’; how do postcolonial women writers contest both patriarchy and colonialism.

The term postcolonial refers to the condition of people and the country after the imperial rule was over and the British Empire receded back to Great Britain. The semantic definition includes the national or even aboriginal culture after the departure of the imperial power. And the term postcolonial continues to define the culture and literatures of the countries from the moment of colonization to this moment on.  As the underdogs, the people in colonized countries sought to establish their difference from Britain. This paper is an effort to look at the patterns of colonization which is defined as a domination of one subject over other by any means, either physical or linguistic or cultural and to discuss the status of women as subjects of ‘Double Colonization’ in colonized countries.

Like the colonized nations which dominated the colonized countries, the women too were dominated over by men over centuries. But the status of women in the countries which were colonized was even more complicated. The women belonging to the colonized countries, however much they try to, can not have a standing for the entire community they represent because they can never be isolated in their experience, either as a woman or as a member of a colonized community.

It is very difficult to study and analyze women’s writing without a basic study of feminist movements and the history of feminism. Gynocentricism in the history of feminism; is a very big term in understanding women’s texts and women’s writing. This term has been coined by an eminent Feminist theorist, Elaine Showalter, to describe the last phase in the Feminist movement. This is an area of study, which centered around women and concentrated its focus in finding out more about women and women writers. They harp on the fact that both men and women write very differently. Feminist theorists like Patricia Mayor Spacks opine that the work of a creative writer does get affected by the gender of the writer. Gynocentric criticism differs from feminist criticism in the fact that they believed that women and men were different not only biologically but also in other aspects could their difference be seen. The gynocentric critics study the women’s literary history with a sense of pride and not justification about women’s experiences and emotions. This shift of feminist criticism from the revisionary readings to the investigative readings lead to the new phase in feminism - gynocentricism. Elaine Showalter in the ‘Feminist Criticism in Wilderness’ (1981) has talked about this mode of feminism. She says it is,

…the psychodynamics of female creativity; the trajectory of the individual or collective female career; and the evolution and laws of a female literary tradition. No English term exists for such a specialized discourse, and so I have invented the ‘gynocritics’(Showalter:242)

Gynocentricism stepped towards noticing the difference in women’s writing. What the gynocritics then are working towards is to be able to map out the exact cultural and social determinants, which form the heart of a creative

woman’s identity. They have made use of four models of difference:

  • Women’s writing and Women’s body:

One permanent and definite difference between men and women is that of their bodies. The gynocritics believe that women’s body and its experience are a source of immense energy and power for women. They thus opine that women are different from men and so have a different set of biological experiences, which do not get manifested in their writings.

  • Women’s writing and Women’s language:

The study of language in which women express their feelings and emotions is a very important aspect of gynocentricism. Feminist critics believe that women should completely discard the present language and invent a new language for their purposes. Gynocritics refuse to believe this idea but instead desire to work on strategies, which can provide equal access to the same language for both the genders. They aim at studying the difference in usage of the language and not in changing the entire language.

  • Women’s writing and Women’s psyche:

The gynocentrics aim at revising the conventional Freudian and Lacanian approach to make it gynocentric. They do not accept that a woman’s writing is inferior at all. gynocentrics believe that a mother-daughter relationship has a lot of influence on a woman’s psyche. They provide a psychoanalytical model to explain the similarities in writings of women all over the world in spite of the cultural and social differences.

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  • Women’s writing and Women’s culture:

The gynocentrics believe that the idea that women form about their bodies are well linked to the cultural environment in which they live. This theory sees women bound together through a collective experience making their own culture in the dominant cultural whole. The gynocentric reading of a text thus reads in a woman’s double -edged discourse that within it the heritages of both worlds.

The fact remains  that education for women is not just learning to read and write, it is her gateway to the knowledge that she too has equal rights ...

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