Durkheim sees society as not just a collection of individuals, each acting independently. Instead members of society are directed by collective beliefs, values and laws, by social facts which have an existence of their own.
Durkheim splits these social facts into MATERIAL and NON-MATERIAL social facts:
Material social facts:
structural components of society – institutions
involved with morphological components of society
Non-Material social facts:
moral and cultural components (e.g. morality, collective conscience)
There were 3 main areas that Durkheim looked at:
1 – The transition from primary to modern society
Primitive society he referred to as ‘mechanistic’ society
Modern society he referred to as ‘organic’ society
2 – Suicide
Durkheim concluded that the structure of society at any time affects the degree of social solidarity, this measured by the number of suicides.
3 – The idea of religion
As society modernise, there was more than one way to show collective sentiment, and therefore religion became less important
There were 3 main things that Durkheim emphasised:
‘We belong to a common society, based upon things such as common culture, socialisation, basic values and norms.
Crime is a very important and real thing as because of crime it creates a consensus, as people agree on what is wrong; it is therefore has a positive affect on society
This comes from social forces binding people together and integrating them into the collective behaviour that is society; the ‘will’ of society
Functionalists analyse how education fits into overall structure of society and its function it fulfils, and Durkheim was no different. He saw education as having a vital role to play in integrating industrial society and creating social solidarity through the teaching of norms and values.
And it is these common norms and values that any society must have, according to Durkheim and functionalists in general. But he suggests that also deviance can still be functional for society as it can strengthen social solidarity, by punishing those who break the law.